IBM Cloud Docs
Migrating instances that collect platform logs

Migrating instances that collect platform logs

Migrating IBM® Log Analysis instances that collect platform logs into IBM Cloud Logs in IBM Cloud require the configuration of the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service in the account and provisioning IBM Cloud Logs instances. A migration tool is provided to help you migrate.

Before the release of the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service and the IBM Cloud Logs service, you could only collect platform logs through the IBM Log Analysis instance that is configured with the platform flag in the same region where the logs are generated. Only one IBM Log Analysis instance can be configured in a region to receive platform logs.

Options for migration

With the release of the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service and the IBM Cloud Logs service, you have different options on how to configure management of platform logs in the account. You can keep the current IBM Log Analysis architecture and maintain data locality or if you prefer, you can move to a centralize model where all logs are collected in a single IBM Cloud Logs instance.

The following image shows the high-level view of how IBM Cloud Logs Routing and IBM Cloud Logs are integrated so you can monitor and alert on platform logs.

Account overview of handling platform logs.
Figure 1. Overview of handling platform logs.

Common to both options is that to migrate the IBM Log Analysis instances that collect platform logs into IBM Cloud Logs in IBM Cloud, you must configure the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service in the account and provision 1 or more IBM Cloud Logs instances depending on the option that you choose.

Choose based on your requirements from any of the following options:

Table 1. Migration scenarios
Requirement Migration scenario
Centralize platform logs Migrate IBM Log Analysis instances into 1 IBM Cloud Logs instance
Data locality required Migrate IBM Log Analysis instances into N IBM Cloud Logs instances, replicating the current IBM Log Analysis architecture

Check the list of services that are supported in IBM Cloud Logs Routing and generate platform logs. If you use IBM Cloud services that generate platform logs that are not in that list, continue to use your IBM Log Analysis instance until you verify you receive them in the IBM Cloud Logs instance. For more information, see Supported services.

Migrating to a central model

The following image shows a high-level view of the account after you migrate IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account into 1 instance of IBM Cloud Logs:

High-level view of the account after IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account are migrated into 1 instance of IBM Cloud Logs
Figure 1. High-level view of the account after IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account are migrated into 1 instance of IBM Cloud Logs

Migrating maintaing data locality

You can use the migration tool to migrate IBM Log Analysis instances into N IBM Cloud Logs instances, replicating the current IBM Log Analysis architecture. Then, after you have migrated all instances, you can use the migration tool to configure IBM Cloud Logs Routing in the account.

The following image shows a high-level view of the account after IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account are migrated into multiple instances of IBM Cloud Logs:

High-level view of the account after IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account are migrated into multiple instances of IBM Cloud Logs
Figure 1. High-level view of the account after IBM Log Analysis instances from multiple regions in the account are migrated into multiple instances of IBM Cloud Logs

Migration steps

To migrate IBM Log Analysis instances that collect platform logs in the account, complete the following steps:

The Migration tool migrates instances replicating the current account architecture, that is, applying a data locality model.

  1. Run the migration tool to collect information about what instances need to be migrated and their resources.

    ibmcloud logging migrate generate-terraform --scope account --service logdna
  2. Migrate each instance by running the following command:

    ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --platform --ingestion-key xxxxx [--instance-name INSTANCENAME] [--instance-resource-group-id RESOURCEGROUPID]

    Add --api to migrate and create resources.

    Add -t -f to generate Terraform files and apply creation of resources. You are asked to confirm that you want to apply the scripts.

    You can add a new name for the instance that is created in Cloud Logs by adding the option --instance-name INSTANCENAME.

    You can change the resource group ID associated with the instance that is created in Cloud Logs by adding the option --instance-resource-group-id RESOURCEGROUPID.

  3. Manually configure notification channels such as email.

    IBM Cloud Logs alerting is done by using the IBM Cloud Event Notifications service.

  4. Validate that the new configuration is working for your requirements.

  5. Migrate IAM permissions. For more information, see Migrating IAM permissions.

  6. After you validate your configuration is operating as required, delete your IBM Log Analysis instances and your legacy configurations to send data.

You can also migrate each instance and then run the command ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope platform-logs -i [private|public] to configure IBM Cloud Logs Routing in the account. The -i option indicates whether a public or private endpoint is used to receive platform logs by the IBM Cloud Logs instance. The default is public. For more information about this command, see ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources. The tool configures the account to map your current IBM Log Analysis architecture for managing platform logs through IBM Cloud Logs Routing.

Validating the new architecture

While you migrate and validate the new architecture, you must collect platform logs in your IBM Log Analysis instances, same as you currently do now. You must configure IBM Cloud Logs Routing to send logs to your IBM Log Analysis instances with rules that map your current IBM Log Analysis architecture in the account. If you fail to configure this route, logs will stop being routed to your current IBM Log Analysis instances. For more information on how to configure a double target in a region, see Configuring two targets of different types.

What IBM Cloud Logs Routing configuration do you need?

  • 1 tenant per region
  • 1 target configured for the IBM Log Analysis instance in the region
  • 1 target for the IBM Cloud Logs instance that is the result of migrating an IBM Log Analysis instance in the region

Until you have validated the new architecture and you can remove the IBM Log Analysis instances from the account, you must continue managing data through the deprecated services.

For example, your validation configuration in the account should look like the following if you choose a central architecture:

High-level view of the account during validation of a centralize architecture."
Figure 1. High-level view of the account during validation of a centralize architecture

For example, your validation configuration in the account should look like the following if you chose a data locality architecture:

High-level view of the account during validation of a centralize architecture."
Figure 1. High-level view of the account during validation of a centralize architecture