IBM Cloud Docs
Migration steps for instances that collect application and operational logs

Migration steps for instances that collect application and operational logs

To migrate IBM Log Analysis instances that collect operational and application logs,

  • You must provision IBM Cloud Logs instances in the account to replace the existing IBM Log Analysis instances.

  • You must also configure your data sources to send data to these IBM Cloud Logs instances.

    You can configure an Logging agent on supported platforms such as Kubernetes clusters, Red Hat OpenShift clusters, and Linux servers, or send data directly to IBM Cloud Logs by using the ingestion endpoint. Sources sending logs can be in IBM Cloud, on-prem, or running in another cloud service.

The Migration tool migrates instances replicating the current account architecture.

To migrate IBM Log Analysis instances, complete the following steps for each instance:

  1. Run the migration tool to collect information about what instances need to be migrated and their resources.

    ibmcloud logging migrate generate-terraform --scope account --service logdna
  2. Migrate an instance by running one of these commands:

    • To generate terraform scripts that you can modify, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --terraform
    • To migrate an instance by applying Terraform, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --terraform -f
    • To migrate an instance directly without Terraform, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --api

    You must migrate all your IBM Log Analysis instances that collect platform logs before you use the Migration tool to configure IBM Cloud Logs Routing in the account.

  3. Manually configure notification channels such as email.

    IBM Cloud Logs alerting is done by using the IBM Cloud Event Notifications service.

  4. Configure the Logging agent to send logs.

  5. Validate that the new configuration is working for your requirements.

  6. Migrate IAM permissions. For more information, see Migrating IAM permissions.

  7. After you validate your configuration is operating as required, delete your IBM Log Analysis instances and your legacy configurations to send data.