IBM Cloud Docs
Migrating instances with archiving configured

Migrating instances with archiving configured

You can use the Migration tool to migrate the archiving configuration of an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance or IBM Log Analysis instance.

Before you begin

  • Learn about migration. For more information, see Migrating IBM Cloud Logs.

  • Learn about the Migration tool. For more information, see Migration CLI.

  • Learn about the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets that you can configure with an IBM Cloud Logs instance. For more information, see Configuring buckets.

Buckets in IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis

When you configure archiving on an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis instance, consider the following information:

  • Buckets are optional. You only need a bucket to store data for long term retention.
  • Only logs that are ingested and available for search are saved into the bucket.
  • Data stored in the bucket is compressed.
  • The data cannot be queried through the UI.
  • You must use service ID credentials to allow your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis instance to write data into the bucket.

The following figure shows the high level view of an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets that you might configure:

High-level view of an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets
High-level view of an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker or IBM Log Analysis instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets

Buckets in IBM Cloud Logs

When you attach buckets to an IBM Cloud Logs instance, consider the following information:

  • Buckets are optional when you configure your IBM Cloud Logs instance.

    Features such as TCO policy optimizer, querying archive data, and collecting logs from metrics require access to the data bucket or the metrics bucket depending on the feature.

  • All logs that are ingested and not blocked are saved into the bucket.

  • Data is compressed at different levels and formatted for easy search based on the TCO pipeline.

  • Authorization between the IBM Cloud Logs instance and the buckets is done by using service to service authorizations.

  • You can query data stored in the data bucket through the UI.

The following figure shows the high level view of an IBM Cloud Logs instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets that you might configure:

High-level view of an IBM Cloud Logs instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets
High-level view of an IBM Cloud Logs instance and the IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets

Migrating the archiving configuration

The archiving configuration is migrated when you migrate an instance.

Known issues

  • You cannot use as your metrics bucket a bucket with lifecycle policies where data is retained and cannot be deleted.

Known Migration tool limitations

  • Lifecycle policies are not migrated through the Migration tool.