IBM Cloud Docs
Migrating IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing routes and targets in the account

Migrating IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing routes and targets in the account

If IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker Event Routing is configured in your environment to route activity tracking events to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances, the migration tool can be used to migrate the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration as well. The Migration tool modifies your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration to route events to IBM Cloud Logs instances created when your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances were migrated.

You must migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances that are associated with IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing routes and targets before you migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing routes and targets. For information on migrating your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances, see Migrating IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances.


Consider the following scenario.

  • IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing is configured in the account.
  • You have IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances provisioned in multiple locations.
  • You must migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances to IBM Cloud Logs instances.
  • You must migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration that routes events to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances to route events to IBM Cloud Logs instances.

Before you begin

The migration tool migrates existing rules that route events to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances. If you have IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances that are not configured to route events using IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing, IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing rules and routes are created by the migration tool to route events to the newly created IBM Cloud Logs instances.

What to expect

When you run the migration tool to migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration in the account:

  • The migration tool adds an extra cloud-logs target for each IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance that you have in the account.

    There is a limited number of targets per account. You can define up to 16 targets in total in an account.

    Make sure that your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration has enough targets available so that the migration tool can create 1 target per IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in the account.

    If you do not have enough targets, the migration process cannot be completed. Delete any unused targets and try again.

    If you cannot delete any existing targets, you must manually migrate your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration. Manually create 1 or more IBM Cloud Logs instances so that you can route events from the account to these instances. For more information, see Getting started.

  • The migration tool adds a new route to send events to the migrated IBM Cloud Logs instances.

    The rules defined for IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances are used as reference to create new rules to the newly created IBM Cloud Logs instances.

    For example, if you have a route with a rule that sends us-south events to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance A, the migration tool adds a rule to a new route to send us-south events to the cloud-logs (IBM Cloud Logs) target created by the migration tool from the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance A.

Migration steps

To migrate IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing routes and targets in the account, complete the following steps:

  1. Migrate each IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in the account for which you have a target associated to a routing rule by running one of these commands:

    • To generate Terraform scripts that you can modify, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --terraform

      After you generate the Terraform scripts, modify them as required and apply by using Terraform.

    • To migrate an instance by applying Terraform, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --terraform -f
    • To migrate an instance without applying Terraform, run:

      ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRNvalue --api
  2. After you migrate each of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances in the account, configure IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing.

    Run the following command to generate Terraform scripts that you can customize:

    ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope atracker --terraform

    Run the following command to generate and apply Terraform scripts that you can customize:

    ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope atracker --terraform -f

    Run the following command to configure IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing automatically after you create the route to send events to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances:

    ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope atracker --api
    • The migration tool adds a cloud-logs target in IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing for each IBM Cloud Logs instance that is created as the result of migrating an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance, and has a target configured that is used in a routing rule.

      There is a limit of targets per account. You can define up to 16 targets in total in an account. Make sure that you have enough targets available so that the migration tool can create 1 target per IBM Cloud Activity Tracker migrated instance in the account. If you do not have enough targets, the migration process cannot be completed. Delete any unused targets and try again.

    • The migration tool adds a new route with rules that route events based on the current routing rules to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances.

  3. Migrate IAM permissions. For more information, see Migrating IAM permissions.

  4. Validate that the new configuration is working for your requirements.

  5. After you validate that your migrated configuration is as required, delete IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances.

    Before you delete your IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances, check that the events that are generated by IBM Cloud services that you use are managed through IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing. For more information, see IBM Cloud services that generate events that are managed through IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing.