IBM Cloud Docs
Monitoring activity tracking events in IBM Cloud Logs

Monitoring activity tracking events in IBM Cloud Logs

You can use the IBM Cloud Logs service to monitor and alert on activity tracking events that are generated in an IBM Cloud account.

The following diagram shows the high level view when the destination is an IBM Cloud Logs instance:

Flow of events
Flow of events

Activity tracking events are critical data for security operations and a key element for meeting compliance requirements.

In IBM Cloud Logs, activity tracking events that are generated by IBM Cloud services include metadata fields that you can use to enhance searches and analyze the data.

  • applicationName: The application name is the environment that produces and sends logs to IBM Cloud Logs. It is set to ibm-audit-events for activity tracking events.

  • subsystemName: The subsystem name is the service or application that produces and sends logs to IBM Cloud Logs. It is set as follows for activity tracking events:

    For IBM Cloud services that you can provision, the format is: crn-service-name:<INSTANCE_GUID>

    For VPC services, the format is: is:<VPC_SERVICE_NAME>

    For platform services (these are services that you cannot provision), the format is: crn-service-name:

Before you can monitor activity tracking events that are generated in an IBM Cloud account, you must configure the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing service in the account to define what activity tracking events you want to collect, the destination where you want to monitor the events, and the routing rules that define where the events are routed.

  • You can configure 1 or more IBM Cloud Logs instances in the account.
  • The IBM Cloud Logs instances can be located in the same account where events are generated or in a different account.
  • You must define a service to service authorization between IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing and IBM Cloud Logs to grant permissions to the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing service to send events to the IBM Cloud Logs service.

For more information, see:

Central model

Configure IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing in your account to route activity tracking events to 1 IBM Cloud Logs instance if you have a requirement to centralize activity tracking events.

The following image shows a high-level view of the account when you adopt a central model:

High-level view of the account when you adopt a central model

Data locality model

Configure IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing in your account to route activity tracking events to multiple IBM Cloud Logs instances if you have a requirement to maintain data locality.

The following image shows a high-level view of the account when you adopt a data locality model:

High-level view of the account when you adopt a data locality model
High-level view of the account when you adopt a data locality model