IBM Cloud Docs
Supporting multiline logs in the Logging agent

Supporting multiline logs in the Logging agent

To support the ingestion of multiline logs from applications, like Java or Python, where errors and stack traces can span several lines, and each line is sent as a separate log entry, you must make changes to the Logging agent configuration. The change includes the parsing required to group log lines that are supposed to be together as a single log record.

About multiline

In OpenShift and Kubernetes clusters, containers can write to standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) streams, and the logs follow the CRI logging format.

The CRI logging format uses tags to define if a log line is a single log line or a multiline log entry. Valid values for the tag are:

  • Partial (P): This tag is included in log lines that are the result of spliting a single log line into multiple lines by the runtime and the log entry has not ended yet.
  • Full (F): This tag is used to indicate that the log entry is completed. It is used for a single log line entry or to indicate that it is the last line of the multiple-line entry.

By default, the Logging agent includes the configuration of the Tail plugin to support multiline logs into a single log line for container runtimes that write logs following the CRI logging format into stdout and stderr.

You might also have applications, like Java or Python, where errors and stack traces can span several lines, and each line is sent as a separate log entry. These applications can generate multiple log lines that can be associated with one another into a single log line. To handle these multiline logs through the Logging agent, you must configure the Multiline parser.

Default multiline configuration

The default multiline configuration is configured and enabled when you deploy the Logging agent.

In Fluent Bit, you can configure the Multiline parser by using the built-in multiline parser or by using a custom multiline parser.

By default, the Tail plugin that is configured with the Logging agent is set with the built-in multiline cri parser. This parser processes logs that are generated by the CRI-O container engine and supports concatenation of log entries.

For example, the Logging agent configuration looks as follows with the default configuration for multiline support:

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube.*
        Buffer_Chunk_Size 32KB
        Buffer_Max_Size   256KB
        Multiline.parser  cri
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10
        storage.type      filesystem
        storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit on

Changing the default multiline configuration

Fluent bit supports different built-in multiline parsers that solve specific multiline parser cases such as docker, cri java, go, and python. For more information, see Built-in multiline parsers.

To change the built-in multiline cri parser set by default in the Logging agent, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the cluster. For more information, see Access your cluster.

  2. In the Logging agent configmap, change the multiline filter provided with the default configuration from cri to docker, java, go, or python.

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube.*
        Buffer_Chunk_Size 32KB
        Buffer_Max_Size   256KB
        Multiline.parser  ENTER_VALID_VALUE           # Valid values: cri, docker, java, go, or python
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10
        storage.type      filesystem
        storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit on
  3. Restart the agent pods.

    For Kubernetes clusters, run:

    kubectl -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

    For OpenShift clusters, run:

    oc -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

Configuring the Multiline parser

If you have applications, like Java or Python, where errors and stack traces can span several lines, and each line is sent as a separate log entry, you must configure the Multiline parser in the Logging agent.

Choose one of the following options to configure the Logging agent with the Multiline parser:

After you configure the Multiline parser, the default multiline Logging agent configuration will also include a FILTER after the INPUT plug-in and a Multiline parser. The filter will apply the pattern of the configured MULTILINE_PARSER. The Logging agent configuration must @INCLUDE the multiline filter right after the input plug-in.

For example, after you configure the Multiline parser, the Logging agent configmap looks as follows:

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube.*
        Buffer_Chunk_Size 32KB
        Buffer_Max_Size   256KB
        Multiline.parser  cri
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10
        storage.type      filesystem
        storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit on

    filter-multiline.conf: |
        Name              multiline
        Match             *
        Multiline.parser  multiline_pattern
        Multiline.key_content log

        Name            multiline_pattern
        Type            regex
        Flush_timeout   1000
        Rule            "start_state"     "/^.*:[\s]*$/"               "colon_cont"
        Rule            "start_state"     "/^.*$/"                     "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^[\s]+.*:[\s]*$/"          "colon_cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^[\s]+.*$/"                "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^}$/"                      "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^\s*$/"                    "cont"
        Rule            "colon_cont"      "/^.*:[\s]*$/"               "colon_cont"
        Rule            "colon_cont"      "/^.*$/"                     "cont"

The pre-defined configuration assumes that any line ending with a colon (:) is a multiline.

Adding multiline support for apps

If you have the Logging agent deployed and you have apps like Java or Python, where errors and stack traces can span several lines, and each line is sent as a separate log entry, you can update your agent configuration manually and configure the Multiline parser.

Complete the following steps to add multiline support in the Logging agent for apps like Java or Python, where errors and stack traces can span several lines, and each line is sent as a separate log entry:

  1. Log in to the cluster. For more information, see Access your cluster.

  2. In the Logging agent configmap, add the Multiline parser.

    The Logging agent configuration must @INCLUDE the multiline filter right after the input plug-in.

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube.*
        Buffer_Chunk_Size 32KB
        Buffer_Max_Size   256KB
        Multiline.parser  cri
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10
        storage.type      filesystem
        storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit on
    filter-multiline.conf: |
        Name              multiline
        Match             *
        Multiline.parser  multiline_pattern
        Multiline.key_content log
        Name            multiline_pattern
        Type            regex
        Flush_timeout   1000
        Rule            "start_state"     "/^.*:[\s]*$/"               "colon_cont"
        Rule            "start_state"     "/^.*$/"                     "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^[\s]+.*:[\s]*$/"          "colon_cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^[\s]+.*$/"                "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^}$/"                      "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^\s*$/"                    "cont"
        Rule            "colon_cont"      "/^.*:[\s]*$/"               "colon_cont"
        Rule            "colon_cont"      "/^.*$/"                     "cont"
  3. Restart the agent pods.

    For Kubernetes clusters, run:

    kubectl -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

    For OpenShift clusters, run:

    oc -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

The pre-defined configuration assumes that any line ending with a colon (:) is a multiline.

Changing the multiline configuration to handle a colon at the end of a line

The default configuration assumes that any line ending with a colon (:) is a multiline. If this is not the case in your environment, you will need to change the parser to ignore the final : by removing colon_cont in the parser. With this change the multiline parser should look like the following:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the cluster. For more information, see Access your cluster.

  2. In the Logging agent configmap, add the Multiline parser.

    The Logging agent configuration must @INCLUDE the multiline filter right after the input plug-in.

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube.*
        Buffer_Chunk_Size 32KB
        Buffer_Max_Size   256KB
        Multiline.parser  cri
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10
        storage.type      filesystem
        storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit on
    filter-multiline.conf: |
        Name              multiline
        Match             *
        Multiline.parser  multiline_pattern
        Multiline.key_content log
        Name            multiline_pattern
        Type            regex
        Flush_timeout   1000
        Rule            "start_state"     "/^.*$/"                     "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^[\s]+.*$/"                "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^}$/"                      "cont"
        Rule            "cont"            "/^\s*$/"                    "cont"
  3. Restart the agent pods.

    For Kubernetes clusters, run:

    kubectl -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

    For OpenShift clusters, run:

    oc -n ibm-observe rollout restart ds/logs-agent

The Logging agent configuration must also include a FILTER after the INPUT plug-in. The filter will apply the pattern of the configured MULTILINE_PARSER. The Name value of the MULTILINE_PARSER must match the Multiline.parser value in the FILTER.

Adding a custom multiline parser

To create a custom multiline parser for use with the Logging agent, follow the instructions in Configurable Multiline Parsers. You will define a custom regex to determine the multiline pattern.

The Logging agent configuration must also include a FILTER after the INPUT plug-in. The filter will apply the pattern of the configured MULTILINE_PARSER. The Name value of the MULTILINE_PARSER must match the Multiline.parser value in the FILTER.

filter-multiline.conf: |
        Name              multiline
        Match             *
        Multiline.parser  INSERT_CUSTOM_PARSER_NAME
        Multiline.key_content log