IBM Cloud Docs
Getting to production for Cloud Databases

Getting to production for Cloud Databases


Sample "Getting to production" checklist

  • For more information, see your Cloud Databases instance.

    • IBM Cloud Monitoring - when disk usage is greater than 80% of provisioned capacity (we encourage you to use auto scaling for disk capacity). We also encourage you to use, understand, and alert on all provided metrics like disk I/O or CPU usage.
    • IBM Cloud Activity Tracker audit events for control plane actions, such as failed backups, IP allowlist updates, and auto scaling.
    • IBM Cloud Log Analysis - any particular database-specific logs you want to be notified about, such as slow query logs.
    • If available, turn on granular in-database auditing (only available for Databases for PostgreSQL and Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition).
    • Understand your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements and ensure that you can meet them with your database's configuration.

To resolve a database's UUID, use the command ibmcloud resource search <UUID>. Other useful CLI commands are: ibmcloud cdb about and ibmcloud cdb cxn. For more information, see the CLI plug-in reference documentation.