Managing domains with the DNS service (ibmcloud sl dns)
IBM Cloud® Domain Name Service (DNS) provides customers with a central location to view and manage their domains through the basic DNS management interface. Users can manage reverse and secondary DNS in the same location without charge.
Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to manage the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure DNS service.
ibmcloud sl dns import
Import a zone based off a BIND zone file
ibmcloud sl dns import ZONEFILE [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns import ~/ This command imports zone and its resource records from file: ~/
ibmcloud sl dns import ZONEFILE [flags]
Command options:
- --dry-run
- Don't actually create records
ibmcloud sl dns record-add
Add resource record in a zone
ibmcloud sl dns record-add ZONE RECORD TYPE DATA [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns record-add ftp A --ttl 86400 This command adds an A record to zone:, its host is "ftp", data is "" and ttl is 86400 seconds.
ibmcloud sl dns record-add ZONE RECORD TYPE DATA [flags]
Command options:
- --ttl
- TTL(Time-To-Live) in seconds, such as: 86400. The default is: 7200
ibmcloud sl dns record-edit
Update resource records in a zone
ibmcloud sl dns record-edit ZONE [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns record-edit --by-id 12345678 --data --ttl 3600 This command edits records under the zone:, whose ID is 12345678, and sets its data to "" and ttl to 3600. ibmcloud sl dns record-edit --by-record kibana --ttl 3600 This command edits records under the zone:, whose host is "kibana", and sets their ttl all to 3600.
ibmcloud sl dns record-edit ZONE [flags]
Command options:
- --by-id
- Edit a single record by its ID
- --by-record
- Edit by host record, such as www
- --data
- Record data, such as an IP address
- --ttl
- TTL(Time-To-Live) in seconds, such as: 86400. The default is: 7200
ibmcloud sl dns record-list
List all the resource records in a zone
ibmcloud sl dns record-list ZONE [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns record-list --record elasticsearch --type A --ttl 900 This command lists all A records under the zone:, and filters by host is elasticsearch and ttl is 900 seconds.
ibmcloud sl dns record-list ZONE [flags]
Command options:
- --data
- Filter by record data, such as an IP address
- --record
- Filter by host record, such as www
- --ttl
- Filter by TTL(Time-To-Live) in seconds, such as 86400
- --type
- Filter by record type, such as A or CNAME
ibmcloud sl dns record-remove
Remove resource record from a zone
ibmcloud sl dns record-remove RECORD_ID
ibmcloud sl dns record-remove 12345678 This command removes resource record with ID 12345678.
ibmcloud sl dns record-remove RECORD_ID
ibmcloud sl dns zone-create
Create a zone
ibmcloud sl dns zone-create ZONE [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns zone-create This command creates a zone that is named
ibmcloud sl dns zone-create ZONE
ibmcloud sl dns zone-delete
Delete a zone
ibmcloud sl dns zone-delete ZONE
ibmcloud sl dns zone-delete This command deletes a zone that is named
ibmcloud sl dns zone-delete ZONE
ibmcloud sl dns zone-list
List all zones on your account
ibmcloud sl dns zone-list [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl dns zone-list This command lists all zones under current account.
ibmcloud sl dns zone-list
ibmcloud sl dns zone-print
Print zone and resource records in BIND format
ibmcloud sl dns zone-print ZONE
ibmcloud sl dns zone-print This command prints zone that is named, and in BIND format.
ibmcloud sl dns zone-print ZONE