IBM Cloud Docs
Creating and working with bare metal servers (ibmcloud sl hardware)

Creating and working with bare metal servers (ibmcloud sl hardware)

IBM Cloud® Bare Metal Servers are single-tenant physical servers that provide you performance and control with low-level access to the hardware resources. Bare metal servers provide the raw horsepower you demand for your processor-intensive and disk I/O-intensive workloads. These servers come with the most complete package of standard features and services.

Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to manage IBM Cloud classic infrastructure Bare-metal hardware servers.

ibmcloud sl hardware cancel

Cancel a hardware server:

ibmcloud sl hardware cancel IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-i, --immediate
Cancels the server immediately (instead of on the billing anniversary).
-r, --reason
An optional cancellation reason. See ibmcloud sl hardware cancel-reasons for a list of available options.
-c, --comment
An optional comment to add to the cancellation ticket.
-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware cancel-reasons

Display a list of cancellation reasons:

ibmcloud sl hardware cancel-reasons

ibmcloud sl hardware create

Order/create a hardware server:

ibmcloud sl hardware create [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-H, --hostname
Required. Host portion of the FQDN.
-D, --domain
Required. Domain portion of the FQDN.
-s, --size
Required. Hardware size.
-o, --os
Required. OS installation code.
-d, --datacenter
Required. Datacenter shortname.
-p, --port-speed
Required. Port speed.
-b, --billing
Billing rate, either hourly or monthly, default is hourly if not specified.
-i, --post-install
Post-install script to download.
-k, --key
SSH keys to add to the root user, multiple occurrence allowed.
-n, --no-public
Private network only.
-e, --extra
Extra options, multiple occurrence allowed.
-t, --test
Do not actually create the virtual server.
-m, --template
A template file that defaults the command line options.
-x, --export
Exports options to a template file.
-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware create-options

View the server order options for a chassis:

ibmcloud sl hardware create-options

ibmcloud sl hardware credentials

List hardware server credentials:

ibmcloud sl hardware credentials IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl hardware detail

Get details for a hardware server:

ibmcloud sl hardware detail IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-p, --passwords
Show passwords (check over your shoulder!).
-c, --price
Show associated prices.

ibmcloud sl hardware edit

Edit hardware server details:

ibmcloud sl hardware edit IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-H, --hostname
Host portion of the FQDN.
-D, --domain
Domain portion of the FQDN.
-g, --tag
Tags to set or empty string to remove all.
-F, --userfile
Read user data from a file.
-u, --userdata
User defined metadata string.
-p, --public-speed
Public port speed, options are: 0,10,100,1000,10000.
-v, --private-speed
Private port speed, options are: 0,10,100,1000,10000.

ibmcloud sl hardware list

List hardware servers:

ibmcloud sl hardware list [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-c, --cpu
Filter by number of CPU cores.
-D, --domain
Filter by domain.
-H, --hostname
Filter by host name.
-d, --datacenter
Filter by datacenter.
-m, --memory
Filter by memory in GB.
-n, --network
Filter by network port speed in Mbps.
-g, --tag
Filter by tags. You can specify more than one.
-p, --public-ip
Filter by public IP address.
-v, --private-ip
Filter by private IP address.
-o, --order
Filter by the ID of the order that purchased the hardware server.
Filter by ID of the owner.
Column to sort by, default:hostname, option:id,guid,hostname,domain,public_ip,private_ip,cpu,memory,os,datacenter,status,ipmi_ip,created,created_by.
Column to display, options are: id,hostname,domain,public_ip,private_ip,datacenter,status,guid,cpu,memory,os,ipmi_ip,created,created_by,tags. This option can be specified multiple times.

ibmcloud sl hardware power-cycle

Power cycle a server:

ibmcloud sl hardware power-cycle IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware power-off

Power off an active server:

ibmcloud sl hardware power-off IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware power-on

Power on a server:

ibmcloud sl hardware power-on IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl hardware reboot

Reboot an active server:

ibmcloud sl hardware reboot IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

Perform a hard reboot.
Perform a soft reboot.
-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware reload

Reload operating system on a server:

ibmcloud sl hardware reload IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-i, --postinstall
Post-install script to download, only HTTPS executes, HTTP leaves file in /root.
-k, --key
IDs of SSH key to add to the root user. You can specify more than one.
-b, --upgrade-bios
Upgrade BIOS.
-w, --upgrade-firmware
Upgrade all hard disk drive firmware.
-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware rescue

Reboot server into a rescue image:

ibmcloud sl hardware rescue IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.

ibmcloud sl hardware toggle-ipmi

Toggle the IPMI interface on and off. This command is asynchronous.

ibmcloud sl hardware toggle-ipmi IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

Enable the IPMI interface.
Disable the IPMI interface.
-q, --quiet
Suppress verbose output.

ibmcloud sl hardware update-firmware

Update server firmware:

ibmcloud sl hardware update-firmware IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]

Command options:

-f, --force
Force operation without confirmation.