IBM Cloud Docs
Calling arbitrary classic infrastructure API endpoints (ibmcloud sl call-api)

Calling arbitrary classic infrastructure API endpoints (ibmcloud sl call-api)

Use the following command from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to call the arbitrary classic infrastructure API endpoints.

ibmcloud sl call-api

Call arbitrary API endpoints

ibmcloud sl call-api SERVICE METHOD [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl call-api SoftLayer_Network_Storage editObject --init 57328245 --parameters '[{"notes":"Testing."}]'
This command edit a volume notes.

ibmcloud sl call-api SoftLayer_User_Customer getObject --init 7051629 --mask "id,firstName,lastName"
This command show a user detail.

ibmcloud sl call-api SoftLayer_Account getVirtualGuests --filter '{"virtualGuests":{"hostname":{"operation":"cli-test"}}}'
This command list virtual guests.
ibmcloud sl call-api [flags]

Command options:

Object filters
Init parameter
Result limit
Object mask: use to limit fields returned
Result offset
Append parameters to web call