IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Cloud CLI Developer Tools (ibmcloud dev) commands

IBM Cloud CLI Developer Tools (ibmcloud dev) commands

The IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface includes the Developer Tools (ibmcloud dev) or (ic dev) commands to manage classic pipelines, Tekton pipelines, and toolchains.


By default, if no action or arguments are passed in, or if the 'help' action is provided, this command shows a general "Help" text. General help displayed includes a description of the base arguments and a listing of the available actions.

Run the following command to display General help information:

ibmcloud dev help


View the details of a Classic pipeline.

ibmcloud dev pipeline-get [PIPELINE_ID] [--output JSON]

pipeline-get command parameters


  • Parameter that is used to output the pipeline details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-get [PIPELINE_ID] --output JSON

The following parameter can be used with the pipeline-get command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-get [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


Run a Classic pipeline.

ibmcloud dev pipeline-run [PIPELINE_ID] [--stage-id stageID] [--output JSON] 

pipeline-run command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the pipeline-run command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Parameter optionally used to select a pipeline's stage to run
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-run [PIPELINE_ID] --stage-id [stageID]


  • Parameter that is used to output the pipeline's invocation details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-run [PIPELINE_ID] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-run [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


View recent Classic pipeline logs by using the pipeline-log command.

  • If the pipeline ID is specified as an argument, all logs for all jobs in all stages are printed for that pipeline.
  • If the stage ID flag is populated, the logs are filtered by that stage in the pipeline.
  • If the job ID is specified with the stage ID, the logs are filtered to just the job in the stage.
  • If the job execution ID is specified along with the stage ID and job ID, a search is done among all available logs that match the job execution ID specified.


ibmcloud dev pipeline-log [PIPELINE_ID] [--stage-id stageID] [--job-id jobID] [--job-exec-id jobExecutionID]

pipeline-log command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the pipeline-log command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Parameter that is used to filter the logs by the job ID.
  • Requires the stage-id flag.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-log [PIPELINE_ID] --stage-id [stageID] --job-id [jobID]


  • Parameter that is used to filter the logs by the job execution ID.
  • Requires the stage-id flag.
  • Requires the job-id flag.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-log [PIPELINE_ID] --stage-id [stageID] --job-id [jobID] --job-exec-id [jobExecutionID]


  • Parameter that is used to filter the logs by the stage ID.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-log [PIPELINE_ID] --stage-id [stageID]


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-log [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


View the URL for the Classic pipeline through the pipeline-open command. The pipeline-open command also opens the URL in your default browser.

ibmcloud dev pipeline-open [PIPELINE_ID]

pipeline-open command parameters

The following parameter can be used with the pipeline-open command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev pipeline-open [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


View the details of a Tekton pipeline.

ibmcloud dev tekton-info [PIPELINE_ID] [--verbose][--output JSON]

tekton-info command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-info command.


  • Use this parameter to provide all details of a pipeline in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-info [PIPELINE_ID] --verbose


  • Parameter that is used to output the pipeline details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-info [PIPELINE_ID] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-info [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


View recent Tekton pipeline run logs by using the tekton-logs command.

  • The pipeline run ID is a required argument.
  • If the task name is specified as an argument, only the logs for this task are retrieved.


ibmcloud dev tekton-logs [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] [--task-name taskName] [--output JSON]

tekton-logs command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-logs command.

run-id (required)

  • Parameter that identifies the pipeline run for the log retrieval.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-logs [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID]


  • Parameter that is used to filter the logs by the pipeline run task name.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-logs [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --task-name [taskName]


  • Parameter that is used to output the log details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-logs [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-logs [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --trace


Cancel an ongoing Tekton pipeline run.

ibmcloud dev tekton-pipeline-cancel [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] [--trace]`

tekton-pipeline-cancel command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-pipeline-cancel command.

run-id (required)

  • Parameter that identifies the pipeline run to cancel.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipeline-cancel [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID]


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipeline-cancel [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --trace


View the details of a Tekton pipeline run or use the ls parameter to list all pipeline runs for the pipeline.


ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelinerun [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] [--output JSON]
ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelinerun ls [PIPELINE_ID]

tekton-pipelinerun command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-pipelinerun command.

run-id (required)

  • Parameter that identifies the pipeline run to retrieve.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelinerun [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID]


  • Parameter that is used to output the pipeline run details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelinerun [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelinerun [PIPELINE_ID] --run-id [pipelinerunID] --trace


View a list of pipeline runs for a Tekton pipeline.


ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelineruns [PIPELINE_ID] [--output JSON]

tekton-pipelineruns command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-pipelineruns command.


  • Parameter that is used to output the pipeline runs in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelineruns [PIPELINE_ID] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-pipelineruns [PIPELINE_ID] --trace


Run a Tekton pipeline.


ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName [--trigger-properties propertiesJSON] [--secure-trigger-properties securePropertiesJSON] [--trigger-headers headerJSON] [--trigger-body bodyJSON] [--output JSON]

tekton-trigger command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the tekton-trigger command.

trigger-name (required)

  • Use this parameter to indicate the trigger to be run.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName

trigger-properties (optional)

  • Optional. Use this parameter to override or append to defined trigger properties. For example,'{"pipeline-debug":"true"}'.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger pipePIPELINE_IDlineID --trigger-name triggerName --trigger-properties propertiesJSON

secure-trigger-properties (optional)

  • Optional. Use this parameter to override or append to defined trigger properties whose values should be concealed behind dots or asterisks in later outputs. For example, '{"deployer-api-key":"s0mEThING_v3Ry_s3CReT"}'
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger pipePIPELINE_IDlineID --trigger-name triggerName --secure-trigger-properties securePropertiesJSON

trigger-headers (optional)

  • Optional. Use this parameter to specify the headers that are used in triggerBinding of a Tekton pipelineRun. For example,'{"source":"cli","flag":"enable"}'.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName --trigger-headers headerJSON

trigger-body (optional)

  • Optional. Use this parameter to specify the body that is used in triggerBinding of a Tekton pipelineRun. For example,'{"message":"hello world","flag":"enable"}'.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName --trigger-body bodyJSON


  • Use this parameter to output the trigger results in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev tekton-trigger PIPELINE_ID --trigger-name triggerName --trace


Delete a toolchain. If no toolchain name is provided, you can select one from a list. The list of toolchains depends on the currently targeted resource group and region.

The targeted Resource Group is found in the IBMCLOUD API Key. For more information, see Set or View the target Account, Region or Resource Group.

ibmcloud dev toolchain-delete [toolchainName] [--force,-f]

toolchain-delete command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the toolchain-delete command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Parameter that is used to skip the prompt confirmation for deleting a toolchain.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchain-delete [toolchainName] --force


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchain-delete [toolchainName] --trace


View the details of a toolchain. If no toolchain name is provided, you can select one from a list.

Uses the targeted resource group in the IBMCLOUD API Key. For more information, see Set or View the target Account, Region or Resource Group.

ibmcloud dev toolchain-get [toolchainName] [--output JSON]

toolchain-get command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the toolchain-get command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Parameter that is used to output the toolchain details in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchain-get [toolchainName] --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchain-get [toolchainName] --trace


View the URL for the toolchain through the toolchain-open command. The toolchain-open command also opens the URL in your default browser. If no toolchain name is provided, a list of toolchains is provided to select from.

ibmcloud dev toolchain-open [toolchainName]

toolchain-open command parameters

The following parameter can be used with the toolchain-open command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchain-open [toolchainName] --trace


View a list of toolchains in the current resource group.

Uses the targeted Resource Group in the IBMCLOUD API Key. For more information, see Set or View the target Account, Region or Resource Group.

ibmcloud dev toolchains [--output JSON]

toolchains command parameters

The following parameters can be used with the toolchains command or by updating the app's cli-config.yml file directly.

Command parameters that are entered on the command line take precedence over the cli-config.yml configuration.


  • Parameter that is used to output the toolchains in JSON format.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchains --output JSON


  • Use this parameter to provide verbose output.
  • Usage: ibmcloud dev toolchains --trace