IBM Cloud Docs
Managing accounts and users (ibmcloud account)

Managing accounts and users (ibmcloud account)

Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to manage accounts and users in an account.

ibmcloud account orgs

List all organizations:

ibmcloud account orgs [-r REGION_NAME] [--guid] [-c ACCOUNT_ID] [-u ACCOUNT_OWNER]

Command options

Region name. List the organizations in the region specified. Default to current region if not specified. If set to 'all', list the organizations in all regions.
Display the guid of the organizations. This option is exclusive with --output.
Account ID. List the organizations under the account. Default to current account if not specified. If set to all, list organizations under all accounts. This option is exclusive with -u.
Account owner name. List the organizations under the accounts that are owned by the user. Default to current account if not specified. If set to 'all', list organizations under all accounts. This option is exclusive with -c.


List all the organizations in region us-south with the GUID displayed:

ibmcloud account orgs -r us-south --guid

List all the organizations in JSON format:

ibmcloud account orgs --output JSON

ibmcloud account org

Show the information of the specified organization:

ibmcloud account org ORG_NAME [-r REGION] [--guid]

Command options

ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization.
Region name. If not specified, the default is current region. If set to all, orgs with the given name in all regions are listed.
Retrieve and display the org's guid. All other output for the org is suppressed. This option is exclusive with --output.


Show the information of organization IBM with the GUID displayed:

ibmcloud account org IBM --guid

ibmcloud account org-create

Create an organization. This operation can be run only by the account owner.

ibmcloud account org-create ORG_NAME [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization to be created.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Create an organization named IBM:

ibmcloud account org-create IBM

ibmcloud account org-replicate

Replicate an org from the current region to another region:

ibmcloud account org-replicate ORG_NAME REGION_NAME [-r, --region SOURCE_REGION]

Command options

ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the existing org that is to be replicated.
REGION_NAME (required)
The name of the region that hosts the replicated org.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Replicate the org myorg to the region eu-gb:

ibmcloud account org-replicate myorg eu-gb

ibmcloud account org-rename

Rename an organization. This operation can be done only by an org manager.

ibmcloud account org-rename OLD_ORG_NAME NEW_ORG_NAME [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

OLD_ORG_NAME (required)
The old name of the org that is to be renamed.
NEW_ORG_NAME (required)
The new name of the org that is to be renamed.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account spaces

List all account spaces:

ibmcloud account spaces [-o ORG_NAME] [-r REGION-NAME]

Command options

-o ORG_NAME (optional)
Organization name. List the spaces under the organization specified. Default to current organization if not specified.
-r REGION-NAME (optional)
Region name. List the spaces under the region specified. Default to current region if not specified.


List all spaces:

ibmcloud account spaces

List all spaces of org org_example in JSON format:

ibmcloud account spaces -o org_example --output JSON

ibmcloud account space

Show the information of a specific space:

ibmcloud account space SPACE_NAME [-o ORG_NAME] [--guid] [--security-group-rules]

Command options

SPACE_NAME (required)
Name of space to be shown.
Organization name. Default to current organization if not specified.
Retrieve and display the space's guid. All other output for the space is suppressed. This option is exclusive with --output.
Retrieve the rules for all the security groups associated with the space.


Show the information of space space_example:

ibmcloud account space space_example

Show the GUID of space space_example:

ibmcloud account space space_example --guid

Show the information of space space_example in JSON format:

ibmcloud account space space_example --output JSON

Show the security group rules of space space_example:

ibmcloud account space space_example --security-group-rules

ibmcloud account org-users

Display users in the specified organization by role:

ibmcloud account org-users ORG_NAME [-r, --region REGION] [-a, --all]

Command options

ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization.
-a, -all (optional)
List all the users in the specified organization, not grouped by role.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account org-user-add

Add a user into org (org manager required):

ibmcloud account org-user-add USER_NAME ORG [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_NAME (required)
The name of the user. ORG (required)
The name of the organization.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account org-user-remove

Remove a user from org (org manager or user only):

ibmcloud account org-user-remove USER_NAME ORG [-f, --force]

Command options

--force, -f
Force deletion without confirmation.

ibmcloud account org-roles

Get all organization roles of the current user:

ibmcloud account org-roles [-r, --region REGION] [-u USER_ID]

Command options

User ID. If not specified, default to current user.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account org-role-set

Assign an organization role to a user. This operation must be run by an organization manager.

ibmcloud account org-role-set USER_NAME ORG_NAME ORG_ROLE [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_NAME (required)
The name of the user to be assigned.
ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization this user is assigned to.
ORG_ROLE (required)
The name of the organization role this user is assigned to. For example:

OrgManager: This role can invite and manage users, select and change plans, and set spending limits.

BillingManager: This role can create and manage the billing account and payment information.

OrgAuditor: This role has read-only access to org information and reports.

-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Assign user Mary to the organization IBM as OrgManager role:

ibmcloud account org-role-set Mary IBM OrgManager

You can set org and space roles by using the CLI, but if you want to set the other permissions, you must use the UI. For more information, see Managing access to resources.

ibmcloud account org-role-unset

Remove an organization role from a user. This operation can be run by an organization manager.

ibmcloud account org-role-unset USER_NAME ORG_NAME ORG_ROLE [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_NAME (required)
The name of the user to be removed.
ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization this user is removed from.
ORG_ROLE (required)
The name of the organization role this user is removed from. For example:

OrgManager: This role can invite and manage users, select and change plans, and set spending limits.

BillingManager: This role can create and manage the billing account and payment information.

OrgAuditor: This role has read-only access to org information and reports.

-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Remove user Mary from the organization IBM as OrgManager role:

ibmcloud account org-role-unset Mary IBM OrgManager

ibmcloud account space-users

Display users in the specified space by role:

ibmcloud account space-users ORG_NAME SPACE_NAME [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization.
SPACE_NAME (required)
The name of the space.
-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account space-roles

Get all space roles of current user under specific org:

ibmcloud account space-roles ORG [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

ORG (required)
The name of the organization.
-r (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.

ibmcloud account space-role-set

Assign a space role to a user. This operation can be run only by a space manager.

ibmcloud account space-role-set USER_NAME ORG_NAME SPACE_NAME SPACE_ROLE [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_NAME (required)
The name of the user to be assigned.
ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization this user is assigned to.
SPACE_NAME (required)
The name of the space this user is assigned to.
SPACE_ROLE (required)
The name of the space role this user is assigned to. For example:

SpaceManager: This role can invite and manage users, and enable features.

SpaceDeveloper: This role can create and manage apps and services, and see logs and reports.

SpaceAuditor: This role can view logs, reports, and settings for the space.

-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Assign user Mary to the organization IBM and space Cloud as SpaceManager role:

ibmcloud account space-role-set Mary IBM Cloud SpaceManager

ibmcloud account space-role-unset

Remove a space role from a user. This operation can be run only by a space manager.

ibmcloud account space-role-unset USER_NAME ORG_NAME SPACE_NAME SPACE_ROLE [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_NAME (required)
The name of the user to be removed.
ORG_NAME (required)
The name of the organization this user is removed from.
SPACE_NAME (required)
The name of the space this user is removed from.
SPACE_ROLE (required)
The name of the space role this user is removed from. For example:

SpaceManager: This role can invite and manage users, and enable features.

SpaceDeveloper: This role can create and manage apps and services, and see logs and reports.

SpaceAuditor: This role can view logs, reports, and settings for the space.

-r, --region REGION (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.


Remove user Mary from the organization IBM and space Cloud as SpaceManager role:

ibmcloud account space-role-unset Mary IBM Cloud SpaceManager

ibmcloud account list

List all accounts of the current user:

ibmcloud account list

ibmcloud account org-account

Display the account of specified organization(org user required).

ibmcloud account org-account ORG_NAME [-r, --region REGION] [--guid]

Command options

-r (optional)
Region name. Default to current region if not specified.
--guid (optional)
Display account ID only

ibmcloud account show

Show account details:

ibmcloud account show


Show details of currently targeted account:

ibmcloud account show

ibmcloud account update

Update a specific account:

ibmcloud account update (--service-endpoint-enable true | false)

Command options

--service-endpoint-enable true | false
Enable or disable service endpoints connectivity for a SoftLayer account.


Enable service endpoint connectivity for current account:

ibmcloud account update --service-endpoint-enable true

Classic infrastructure account audit-logs

List SoftLayer account audit logs:

account audit-logs [-u, --user-name USER_NAME] [-t, --object-type OBJECT_TYPE] [-o, --object OBJECT] [-a, --action ACTION] [-s, --start-date START_DATE] [-e, --end-date END_DATE]

Command options

-a, --action ACTION
Action. List audit logs with the action.
-e, --end-date END_DATE
End date. List audit logs before the end date. Supported formats are yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.
o, --object OBJECT
Object. List audit logs with the object.
t, --object-type OBJECT_TYPE
Object type. List audit logs with the object type.
s, --start-date START_DATE
Start date. List audit logs after the start date. Supported formats are yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.
u, --user-name USER_NAME
User name. List audit logs with the user name.


List audit logs:

ibmcloud account audit-logs

ibmcloud account audit-logs

List account audit logs:

ibmcloud account audit-logs [--user-name USER_NAME] [--object-type OBJECT_TYPE] [--object OBJECT] [--action ACTION] [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE]

Command options

--user-name USER_NAME (optional)
List audit logs with the user name.
--object-type OBJECT_TYPE (optional)
List audit logs with the object type.
--object OBJECT (optional)
List audit logs with the object.
--action ACTION (optional)
List audit logs with the action.
--start-date START_DATE (optional)
List audit logs after the start date. Supported formats are yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.
--end-date END_DATE (optional)
List audit logs before the end date. Supported formats are yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.

ibmcloud account users

Displays users that are associated with the account. To view the required permissions to run this command, see Retrieve users in the account.

ibmcloud account users [-c, --account-id ACCOUNT_ID]

Command options

-c (optional)
Account ID. If not specified, default to current account.

ibmcloud account user-remove

Remove a user from an account (account owner only).

ibmcloud account user-remove USER_ID [-c ACCOUNT_ID] [-f, --force]

Command options

USER_ID (required)
User ID
Account ID. If not specified, default to current account.
-f, --force
Force removal without confirmation.

ibmcloud account user-invite

Invite a user to the account:

ibmcloud account user-invite USER_EMAIL [-o ORG [--org-role ORG_ROLE] [-s SPACE, --space-role SPACE_ROLE]] [-r, --region REGION]

Command options

USER_EMAIL (required)
The email of the user to be invited.
-o, --org ORG (deprecated)
Organization to invite user to.
--org-role ORG_ROLE (deprecated)
Organization role. Valid inputs are: OrgManager, BillingManager, OrgAuditor, and OrgUser. If omitted, the OrgUser role is set.
-s, --space SPACE (deprecated)
Space to invite user to.
--space-role SPACE_ROLE (deprecated)
Space role. Valid inputs are: SpaceManager, SpaceDeveloper, and SpaceAuditor.
-r, --region REGION (deprecated)
Region name. Defaults to current region if not specified.

If you aren't ready to assign access, or want to assign an IAM policy, you can invite a user and assign it later. For more information about assigning access to users, see Managing access to resources.

ibmcloud account user-reinvite

Resend invitation to a user (account admin):

ibmcloud account user-reinvite USER_EMAIL

Command options

USER_EMAIL (required)
The email of the user to be invited again.

ibmcloud account user-preference

Show user preference details:

ibmcloud account user-preference

ibmcloud account user-preference-update

Update user preferences:

ibmcloud account user-preference-update (--position NEW_POSITION)

Command options

--position NEW_POSITION (optional)
Set a user's position, such as manager or student.

ibmcloud account user-status

Show user's status:

ibmcloud account user-status [USER_ID] [--output FORMAT] [-q, --quiet]

Command options

User ID. If not specified, default to current user.
--output FORMAT
Specify output format. Only 'JSON' is supported.
-q, --quiet
Suppress verbose output.

ibmcloud account user-status-update

Update user's status:

ibmcloud account user-status-update USER_ID NEW_STATUS [--output FORMAT] [-q, --quiet]

Command options

USER_ID (required)
User ID.
NEW_STATUS (required)
Set a user's status, such as SUSPENDED or ACTIVE. For more information, see User account status for a list of possible statuses. This option can also take in values in lowercase such as suspended or active.
--output FORMAT
Specify output format. Only 'JSON' is supported.
-q, --quiet
Suppress verbose output.


Suspend user

ibmcloud account user-status-update SUSPENDED

ibmcloud account platform-notification-subscribe

Subscribe platform notification:

ibmcloud account platform-notification-subscribe (--type TYPE)

Command options

--type TYPE (optional)
Notification type, one of unplanned_events, planned_maintenance.

ibmcloud account platform-notification-unsubscribe

Unsubscribe platform notification:

ibmcloud account platform-notification-unsubscribe (--type TYPE)

Command options

--type TYPE (optional)
Notification type, one of unplanned_events, planned_maintenance.

ibmcloud account domain-cert

List the certificate information of a domain:

ibmcloud account domain-cert DOMAIN_NAME

Command options

DOMAIN_NAME (required)
The domain that hosts the certificate.


View the certificate information of the domain

ibmcloud account domain-cert

ibmcloud account domain-cert-add

Add a certificate to the specified domain in the current org:


Command options

DOMAIN (required)
The domain that the certificate is added to.
-k PRIVATE_KEY_FILE (required)
The private key file path.
-c CERT_FILE (required)
The certificate file path.
-p PASSWORD (optional)
The password for the certificate.
The intermediate certificate file path.
-t TRUST_STORE_FILE (optional)
The truststore file.


Add a certificate to the domain

ibmcloud account domain-cert-add -k key_file.key -c cert_file.crt -p 123 -i inter_cert.cert

ibmcloud account domain-cert-remove

Remove a certificate from the specified domain in current org:

ibmcloud account domain-cert-remove DOMAIN [-f]

Command options

DOMAIN (required)
Domain to remove the certificate from.
-f (optional)
Force deletion without confirmation.