IBM Cloud Docs
Searching and managing the IBM Cloud catalog (ibmcloud catalog)

Searching and managing the IBM Cloud catalog (ibmcloud catalog)

Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to manage the IBM Cloud catalog entries, query templates, runtimes, and geolocations of data centers.

You can use extra CLI commands and capabilities for catalogs. Use the Catalogs management CLI plug-in to manage your private catalogs and onboard new private software. For more information, see the Catalogs management CLI plug-in.

ibmcloud catalog entry

Get a catalog entry:

ibmcloud catalog entry ID [--children] [--global]

Command options

Get all children for the catalog entry
Operate in global scope


Get entry with ID a0ef1-d3b4j0:

ibmcloud catalog entry 'a0ef1-d3b4j0'

ibmcloud catalog entry-create

Create a catalog entry (catalog admin of an account only):

ibmcloud catalog entry-create [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [-p, --parent PARENT] [--global]

Command options

-p, --parent
Parent ID of the object
Valid JSON object that contains catalog-specific configuration parameters, provided either inline or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see the documentation for the particular catalog entry.
Operate in global scope


Create resource from JSON file with parent ID a0ef1-d3b4j0:

ibmcloud catalog entry-create -c @entry.json -p 'a0ef1-d3b4j0'

ibmcloud catalog entry-update

Update an existing catalog entry (catalog admin or editor of an account only):

ibmcloud catalog entry-update ID [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [--global]

Command options

Valid JSON object that contains catalog-specific configuration parameters, provided either inline or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see the documentation for the particular catalog entry.
Operate in global scope


Update resource j402-dnf1i from JSON file:

ibmcloud catalog entry-update 'j402-dnf1i' -c update

ibmcloud catalog entry-delete

Delete a catalog entry(catalog admin of an account only)

ibmcloud catalog entry-delete ID [--global]

Command options

Operate in global scope


Delete resource j402-dnf1i:

ibmcloud catalog delete `j402-dnf1i`

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility

Get the visibility for a catalog entry(catalog admin of an account only)

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility ID [--global]

Command options

Operate in global scope


Get visibility of resource j402-dnf1i in global scope:

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility 'j402-dnf1i' --global

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility-set

Update the visibility of an existing catalog entry(catalog admin of an account only):

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility-set ID [--includes-add LIST] [--includes-remove LIST] [--excludes-add LIST] [--excludes-remove LIST] [--owner ID or Email] [--restrict] [--unrestrict] [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [--global]

Command options

Adding an account (or list of comma-separated accounts) to the includes list, granting visibility to the entry. Email or Account GUIDs are acceptable.
Removing an account (or list of comma-separated accounts) from the includes list, revoking visibility to the entry. Email or Account GUIDs are acceptable.
Adding an account (or list of comma-separated accounts) to the excludes list. Email or Account GUIDs are acceptable.
Removing an account (or list of comma-separated accounts) from the excludes list, revoking visibility to the entry. If the account was set by global admins, the account admins can't remove the account. Email or Account GUIDs are acceptable.
Changing the owner of an object. Email or Account GUIDs are acceptable.
Changing the restriction of the visibility object to 'Private'.
Changing the restriction of the visibility object to 'Public'.
Valid JSON object that contains catalog-specific configuration parameters, provided either inline or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see the documentation for the particular catalog entry.
Operate in global scope


Set visibility of resource j402-dnf1i from JSON file:

ibmcloud catalog entry-visibility-set 'j402-dnf1i' -c @visibility.json

ibmcloud catalog service-marketplace

List service offerings in the marketplace:

ibmcloud catalog service-marketplace [--rc] [--global]

Command options

Show RC compatible services only
Operate in global scope


Show service offerings in global scope:

ibmcloud catalog service-marketplace --global

ibmcloud catalog service

View details of a service in the catalog, including a description, tags, compatibility information, and available plans.

ibmcloud catalog service NAME_OR_ID [--global]

Command options

Operate in a global scope


Show details of the container-kubernetes service:

ibmcloud catalog service container-kubernetes

ibmcloud catalog templates

View the boilerplate templates on IBM Cloud.

ibmcloud catalog templates [-d]

Command options

-d (optional)
If the -d option is specified, the description of each template is also displayed. Otherwise, only the ID and name of each template is shown.

ibmcloud catalog template

View the detailed information of a specified boilerplate template.

ibmcloud catalog template TEMPLATE_ID

Command options

TEMPLATE_ID (required)
The ID of the boilerplate template. Use ibmcloud templates to view all templates' IDs.


View details of the template mobileBackendStarter:

ibmcloud catalog template mobileBackendStarter

ibmcloud catalog locations

Get a choice subset of regions in your choice of format.

ibmcloud catalog locations [-i, --id ID] [-k, --kind KIND] [--col COLUMNS] [--global] [--csv]

Command options

-i, --id
Specify geography by id.
-k, --kind
Get a list of entries for the specified kind.
Specify more columns for the table. Currently, "group", "provider", and "tags".
Operate in a global scope.
Output CSV file

ibmcloud catalog runtime

View the details of a runtime. This command is only available for public cloud.

ibmcloud catalog runtime RUNTIME_ID


Show details of runtime "nodejsHelloWorld":

ibmcloud catalog runtime nodejsHelloWorld

ibmcloud catalog runtimes

List all runtimes. This command is only available for public cloud.

ibmcloud catalog runtimes [-d]

Command options

Show the description of each runtime


List all runtimes along with their descriptions:

ibmcloud catalog runtimes -d