Event Streams CLI reference
If you want information about how to install the CLI for Event Streams, see Getting started with the Event Streams CLI.
Version | Release date | Changes |
v1.0 | 12 May 2019 |
v1.0.1 | 27 May 2019 |
v2.0 | 21 August 2019 |
v2.1 | 24 June 2020 |
v2.1.1 | 10 July 2020 |
v2.2.0 | 3 August 2020 |
v2.2.1 | 7 August 2020 |
v2.3 | 9 November 2020 |
v2.3.2 | 5 May 2022 |
v2.4.0 | 28 Feb 2023 |
v2.4.1 | 05 Dec 2023 |
v2.5.0 | 15 Dec 2023 |
v2.6.0 | 29 Aug 2024 |
v2.6.1 | 01 Nov 2024 |
v2.6.2 | 01 Feb 2025 |
v2.7.0 | 25 Feb 2025 |
ibmcloud es init
Initialize the Event Streams plug-in.
ibmcloud es init [-i|--instance-name INSTANCE_NAME] [-a|--api-url API_ENDPOINT_URL]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --instance-name value, -i value (optional)
- Name of the Event Streams instance.
- --api-url value, -a value (optional)
- Kafka admin URL of the Event Streams instance.
ibmcloud es broker
Display the details of a specific broker.
ibmcloud es broker [--broker] ID [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --broker value, -b value
- Broker ID, you can specify with or without a preceding '--broker' flag.
- --json (optional)
- Output format in JSON.
ibmcloud es broker-config
Display the configuration of a broker.
ibmcloud es broker-config [--broker] ID [--filter FILTER] [--verbose] [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --broker value, -b value
- Broker ID, you can specify with or without a preceding '--broker' flag.
- --filter value, -f value (optional)
- Filter the list of configuration by using wildcards (*) or a regular expression with forward slash (/) delimiters.
- --verbose, -v (optional)
- Display verbose configuration information.
- --json (optional)
- Output format in JSON.
ibmcloud es cluster
Display the details of the cluster, including details of all brokers and the Kafka version.
ibmcloud es cluster [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --json (optional)
- Output format in JSON.
ibmcloud es topic
Display the details of a topic.
ibmcloud es topic [--name] TOPIC_NAME [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
- Topic name.
- --json (optional)
- Output format of JSON.
ibmcloud es topic-create
Create a new topic.
ibmcloud es topic-create [--name] TOPIC_NAME [--partitions PARTITIONS] [--config KEY=VALUE[;KEY=VALUE]* ]*
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
Topic name.
- --partitions value, -p value
Set the number of partitions for the topic.
- --config KEY=VALUE, -c KEY=VALUE(optional)
Set a configuration option for the topic as a KEY=VALUE pair.
You can specify multiple --config options. Each '--config' option can specify a semicolon-delimited list of assignments. The following list shows valid configuration keys:
- cleanup.policy
- retention.ms
- retention.bytes
- segment.bytes
- segment.ms
- segment.index.bytes
ibmcloud es topic-delete
Delete a topic.
ibmcloud es topic-delete [--name] TOPIC_NAME [--force]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
- Topic name.
- --force, -f (optional)
- Delete without confirmation.
ibmcloud es topic-delete-records
Delete records from a topic for a given offset.
ibmcloud es topic-delete-records [--name] TOPIC_NAME [--partition-offset PARTITION:OFFSET[;PARTITION:OFFSET]* ]* [--force]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
- Topic name.
- The partition and offset to delete records from in PARTITION:OFFSET format.
- You can specify multiple --partition-offset options or you can specify multiple PARTITION:OFFSET pairs with semicolon delimiters and surrounded with quotations: 'PARTITION1:OFFSET1;PARTITION2:OFFSET2;PARTITION3:OFFSET3'.
- --force, -f (optional)
- Delete records without confirmation.
ibmcloud es topic-partitions-set
Set the partitions for a topic.
ibmcloud es topic-partitions-set [--name] TOPIC_NAME --partitions PARTITIONS
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
- Topic name.
- --partitions value, -p value
- Set the number of partitions for the topic.
ibmcloud es topic-update
Update the configuration for a topic.
ibmcloud es topic-update [--name] TOPIC_NAME --config KEY[=VALUE][;KEY[=VALUE]]* [--default]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --name value, -n value
Topic name.
- --config KEY[=VALUE], -c KEY[=VALUE]
Set a configuration option for the topic as a KEY[=VALUE] pair.
If VALUE is not given, the '--default' flag is to be specified to indicate resetting the configuration value back to the default. Multiple '--config' options can be specified. Each '--config' option can specify a semicolon-delimited list of assignments. The following list shows valid configuration keys:
- cleanup.policy
- retention.ms
- retention.bytes
- segment.bytes
- segment.ms
- segment.index.bytes
- --default, -d (optional)
Reset each configuration parameter that is specified by using '--config' to its default value.
ibmcloud es topics
List topics.
ibmcloud es topics [--filter FILTER] [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --filter value, -f value (optional)
- Topic name.
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON. Up to 1000 topics are returned.
ibmcloud es group
Display details of a consumer group.
ibmcloud es group [--group] GROUP_ID [--json]
>Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --group value, -g value
- Consumer group ID.
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es group-reset
Reset the offsets for a consumer group.
ibmcloud es group-reset [--group] GROUP_ID [--topic TOPIC_NAME] [--all-topics] --mode MODE --value VALUE [--dry-run] [--execute] [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --group value, -g value
- Consumer group ID
- --topic value, -t value
- Topic name. Apply to just this topic. Omit if '--all-topics' flag was supplied.
- --all-topics, -a
- Apply to all topics assigned to the group. Omit if '--topic' flag was supplied.
- --mode value, -m value
- One of the following values: 'earliest', 'latest' or 'datetime'.
- --value value, -v value
- Value for resetting offsets, based on '--mode'. Omit for 'earliest' and 'latest'. 'datetime': use 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss[±hh:mm|Z]'.
- --dry-run (optional)
- Show results and do not implement the changes.
- --execute (optional)
- Execute the changes to the offsets.
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es groups
List consumer groups.
ibmcloud es groups [--filter FILTER] [--json]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --filter value, -f value (optional)
- Optional. Filter the list of consumer groups by using wildcards (*) or a regular expression with forward slash (/) delimiters.
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON. A maximum of 1000 groups are returned.
ibmcloud es group-delete
Delete a consumer group.
ibmcloud es group-delete [--group] GROUP_ID [--force]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- --group value, -g value
- Consumer group ID
- --force, -f (optional)
- Delete group without confirmation.
ibmcloud es mirroring-topic-selection
List mirroring topic selection.
ibmcloud es mirroring-topic-selection [--json]
Prerequisites: Mirroring enabled on Event Streams instance. Event Streams plug-in configured to connect to the mirroring target cluster through ibmcloud es init
Command options:
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es mirroring-topic-selection-set
Replace mirroring topic selection.
ibmcloud es mirroring-topic-selection-set (--select pattern1,pattern2 | --none) [--force]
Prerequisites: Mirroring enabled on Event Streams instance. Event Streams plug-in configured to connect to the mirroring target cluster through ibmcloud es init
Command options:
- --select value
- Selection of topics to mirror as comma-separated regex patterns. Use '.*' to mirror all topics.
- --none
- Clear currently selected topics (disable mirroring of topics).
- --force
- Optional. Replace mirroring topic selection without confirmation.
ibmcloud es mirroring-active-topics
Get topics that are being actively mirrored.
ibmcloud es mirroring-active-topics [--json]
Prerequisites: Mirroring enabled on Event Streams instance. Event Streams plug-in configured to connect to the mirroring target cluster through ibmcloud es init
Command options:
- --json (optional)
- Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es help
Show help for a command, or list all commands.
ibmcloud es help [COMMAND]
Prerequisites: None
Command options:
- COMMAND (optional)
- Show help for a command.
ibmcloud es schema-import
Import a set of schemas into the registry from a zip file.
ibmcloud es schema-import [--file] ZIP_FILE_PATH
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --file value, -f value
- Zip file path.
ibmcloud es schemas
List the schemas in the registry.
ibmcloud es schemas [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-create
Create a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-create [--artifact-id SCHEMA_ID] --file PATH_TO_FILE [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- Optional. ID of the schema artifact to be created. If not provided, an ID is generated.
- --file value
- Path to a file containing the JSON definition of the schema to be created.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema
Display information about a schema.
ibmcloud es schema [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-update
Change the state of a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-update [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID --set ENABLED|DISABLED
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --set value
- New state of the schema, must be 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED'.
ibmcloud es schema-delete
Delete a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-delete [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID [--force]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas. The schema must be in DISABLED state.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --force
- Optional. Delete the schema without confirmation.
ibmcloud es schema-versions
Display versions of a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-versions [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-version-create
Create a new version of a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-version-create [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID --file PATH_TO_FILE [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema artifact for which the new version is to be created.
- --file value
- Path to a file containing the JSON definition of the schema version to be created.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-version
Display information about a schema version.
ibmcloud es schema-version [--artifact-id SCHEMA_ID --version VERSION] [--global-id GLOBAL_ID] [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas. Use either the --artifact-id
and --version
flags, or the --global-id
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema artifact.
- --version value
- Version to be displayed.
- --global-id value
- Global ID of the schema version to be displayed.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-version-update
Change the state of a schema version.
ibmcloud es schema-version-update [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID --version VERSION --set ENABLED|DISABLED
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema artifact.
- --version value
- Version to be updated.
- --set value
- New state of the schema version, must be either 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED'.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-version-delete
Delete a version of a schema.
ibmcloud es schema-version-delete [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID --version VERSION [--force]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas. The schema version must be in DISABLED state.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema artifact.
- --version value
- Version to be deleted.
- --force
- Optional. Delete the schema version without confirmation.
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-create
Create schema compatibility rule.
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-create [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID --set RULE
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --set value
- The value of the compatibility rule. Allowed values are "NONE", "FULL", "FULL_TRANSITIVE", "FORWARD", "FORWARD_TRANSITIVE", "BACKWARD", and "BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE".
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule
Display schema or global compatibility rule.
ibmcloud es es schema-compatibility-rule [ [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID | --global ] [--json]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas. Use either the --artifact-id
or the --global
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- Optional. ID of the schema.
- --global
- Optional. Display the global compatibility rule.
- --json
- Optional. Format output in JSON.
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-update
Change schema or global compatibility rule.
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-update [ [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID | --global ] --set RULE
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas. Use either the --artifact-id
or the --global
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- Optional. ID of the schema.
- --global
- Optional. Change the global compatibility rule.
- --set value
- The value of the compatibility rule. Allowed values are "NONE", "FULL", "FULL_TRANSITIVE", "FORWARD", "FORWARD_TRANSITIVE", "BACKWARD", and "BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE".
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-delete
Delete schema compatibility rule.
ibmcloud es schema-compatibility-rule-delete [--artifact-id] SCHEMA_ID [--force]
Prerequisites: This operation is permitted only on Enterprise instances as only the Enterprise plan includes a Schema Registry for using and managing schemas.
Command options:
- --artifact-id value
- ID of the schema.
- --force
- Optional. Delete the compatibility rule without confirmation.