IBM Cloud Docs
Creating and working with virtual servers (ibmcloud sl vs)

Creating and working with virtual servers (ibmcloud sl vs)

IBM Cloud® Virtual Servers are scalable virtual servers that are purchased with dedicated cores and memory allocations. They are a great option if you are looking for compute resources that can be added in minutes with access to features like image templates.

Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud® Command Line Interface to manage classic infrastructure virtual servers.

ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage

Authorize File, Block and Portable Storage to a Virtual Server

ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER


ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage --username-storage SL01SL30-37 1234567 Authorize File, Block and Portable Storage to a Virtual Server.

ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--p, portable-id
The portable storage id to be added to the virtual server
--u, username-storage
The storage username to be added to the virtual server.

ibmcloud sl vs bandwidth

Bandwidth data over date range.

ibmcloud sl vs bandwidth IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS] Time formats that are either '2006-01-02', '2006-01-02T15:04' or '2006-01-02T15:04-07:00'

Due to some rounding and date alignment details, results here might be slightly different than results in the control portal. Bandwidth is listed in GB, if no time zone is specified, GMT+0 is assumed.


ibmcloud sl vs bandwidth 1234 -s 2006-01-02T15:04 -e 2006-01-02T15:04-07:00

ibmcloud sl vs bandwidth IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--e, end
End date for bandwidth reporting
--q, quiet
Only show the summary table.
--r, rollup
Number of seconds to report as one data point. 300, 600, 1800, 3600 (default), 43200 or 86400 seconds
--s, start
Start date for bandwdith reporting

ibmcloud sl vs billing

Get billing details for a virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs billing IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs cancel

Cancel virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs cancel IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create

Create a Reserved Capacity instance.

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create [OPTIONS] Examples:

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create -n myvsi -b 1234567 -fl C1_2X2_1_YEAR_TERM -i 2 This command orders a Reserved Capacity instance with name is myvsi, backendRouterId 1234567, flavor C1_2X2_1_YEAR_TERM and 2 instances, ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create --name myvsi --backendRouterId 1234567 --flavor C1_2X2_1_YEAR_TERM --instances 2 --test This command tests whether the order is valid with above options before the order is actually placed.

WARNING: Reserved Capacity is on a yearly contract and not cancelable until the contract is expired.

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create [flags]

Command options:

--b, backendRouterId
BackendRouterId, create-options has a list of valid ids to use. [required]
--l, flavor
Capacity keyname (C1_2X2_1_YEAR_TERM for example). [required]
--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
--i, instances
Number of VSI instances this capacity reservation can support. [required]
--n, name
Name for your new reserved capacity [required]
Do not actually create the reserved capacity

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create-options

List options for creating Reserved Capacity Group instance

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-create-options

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-detail

Get Reserved Capacity Group details.

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-detail IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

Column to display. Options are: id, hostname, domain, primary_ip, backend_ip. This option can be specified multiple times
Column to sort by. Options are: id, hostname, domain, primary_ip, backend_ip

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-list

List Reserved Capacity groups.

ibmcloud sl vs capacity-list

ibmcloud sl vs capture

Capture virtual server instance into an image

ibmcloud sl vs capture IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs capture 12345678 -n mycloud --all --note testing This command captures virtual server instance with ID of 12345678 with all disks into an image named "mycloud" with note "testing".

ibmcloud sl vs capture IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

Capture all block devices that belong to the virtual server
The block device ID´s to archive, multiple occurrence allowed
--n, name
Name of the image [required]
Add a note to be associated with the image

ibmcloud sl vs create

Create virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs create [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs create -H myvsi -D -c 4 -m 4096 -d dal10 -o UBUNTU_16_64 --disk 100 --disk 1000 --vlan-public 413 This command orders a virtual server instance with hostname is myvsi, domain is, 4 cpu cores, 4096M memory, located at datacenter: dal10, operation system is UBUNTU 16 64 bits, 2 disks, one is 100G, the other is 1000G, and placed at public vlan with ID 413. ibmcloud sl vs create -H myvsi -D -c 4 -m 4096 -d dal10 -o UBUNTU_16_64 --disk 100 --disk 1000 --vlan-public 413 --test This command tests whether the order is valid with above options before the order is actually placed. ibmcloud sl vs create -H myvsi -D -c 4 -m 4096 -d dal10 -o UBUNTU_16_64 --disk 100 --disk 1000 --vlan-public 413 --export ~/myvsi.txt This command exports above options to a file: myvsi.txt under user home directory for later use.

ibmcloud sl vs create [flags]

Command options:

Billing rate. Default is: hourly. Options are: hourly, monthly
Specify the mode to boot the OS in. Supported modes are HVM and PV.
--c, cpu
Number of CPU cores [required]
--d, datacenter
Datacenter shortname [required]
Create a dedicated Virtual Server (Private Node)
Disk sizes (multiple occurrence permitted)
--D, domain
Domain portion of the FQDN [required]
Exports options to a template file
Public Virtual Server flavor key name
--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
Host Id to provision a Dedicated Virtual Server onto
--H, hostname
Host portion of the FQDN [required]
Image ID. See: '${COMMAND_NAME} sl image list' for reference
--k, key
The IDs of the SSH keys to add to the root user (multiple occurrence permitted)
Use the configuration from an existing virtual server
--m, memory
Memory in megabytes [required]
--n, network
Network port speed in Mbps
--o, os
OS install code. Tip: you can specify OS_LATEST
Placement Group Id to order this guest on.
--i, postinstall
Post-install script to download
Forces the virtual server to only have access the private network
--s, private-security-group
Security group ID to associate with the private interface (multiple occurrence permitted)
--S, public-security-group
Security group ID to associate with the public interface (multiple occurrence permitted)
The quantity of virtual server be created. It should be greater or equal to 1. This value defaults to 1.
Use SAN storage instead of local disk
The ID of the private SUBNET on which you want the virtual server placed
The ID of the public SUBNET on which you want the virtual server placed
--g, tag
Tags to add to the instance (multiple occurrence permitted)
--t, template
A template file that defaults the command-line options
Do not actually create the virtual server
Create a transient virtual server
--u, userdata
User defined metadata string
--F, userfile
Read userdata from file
The ID of the private VLAN on which you want the virtual server placed
The ID of the public VLAN on which you want the virtual server placed
Wait until the virtual server is finished provisioning for up to X seconds before returning. It's not compatible with option --quantity

ibmcloud sl vs credentials

List virtual server instance credentials

ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER


ibmcloud sl vs authorize-storage --username-storage SL01SL30-37 1234567 Authorize File, Block and Portable Storage to a Virtual Server.

ibmcloud sl vs credentials IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs detail

Get details for a virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs detail IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

Show passwords (check over your shoulder!)
Show associated prices

ibmcloud sl vs dns-sync

Synchronize DNS records for a virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs dns-sync IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS] Note: If you don't specify any arguments, it will attempt to update both the A and PTR records. If you don't want to update both records, you may use the -a or --ptr arguments to limit the records updated.


ibmcloud sl vs dns-sync 12345678 --a-record --ttl 3600 This command synchronizes A record(IP V4 address) of virtual server instance with ID 12345678 to DNS server and sets ttl of this A record to 3600. ibmcloud sl vs dns-sync 12345678 --aaaa-record --ptr This command synchronizes both AAAA record(IP V6 address) and PTR record of virtual server instance with ID 12345678 to DNS server.

ibmcloud sl vs dns-sync IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--a, a-record
Sync the A record for the host
Sync the AAAA record for the host
--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
Sync the PTR record for the host
Sets the TTL for the A and/or PTR records, default is: 7200

ibmcloud sl vs edit

Edit a virtual server instance's details

ibmcloud sl vs edit IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs edit 12345678 -D -H myapp --tag testcli --public-speed 1000 This command updates virtual server instance with ID 12345678 and set its domain to be "", hostname to "myapp", tag to "testcli", and public network port speed to 1000 Mbps.

ibmcloud sl vs edit IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--D, domain
Domain portion of the FQDN
--H, hostname
Host portion of the FQDN. example: server
Private port speed, options are: 0,10,100,1000,10000
Public port speed, options are: 0,10,100,1000,10000
--g, tag
Tags to set or empty string to remove all
--u, userdata
User defined metadata string
--F, userfile
Read userdata from file

ibmcloud sl vs host-create

Create a host for dedicated virtual servers

ibmcloud sl vs host-create [flags]

Command options:

--b, billing
Billing rate. Default is: hourly. Options are: hourly, monthly
--d, datacenter
Datacenter shortname [required]
--D, domain
Domain portion of the FQDN [required]
--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
--H, hostname
Host portion of the FQDN [required]
--s, size
Size of the dedicated host, currently only one size is available: 56_CORES_X_242_RAM_X_1_4_TB
--v, vlan-private
The ID of the private VLAN on which you want the dedicated host placed. See: '${COMMAND_NAME} sl vlan list' for reference

ibmcloud sl vs host-list

List dedicated hosts on your account

ibmcloud sl vs host-list [flags]

Command options:

--d, datacenter
Filter by datacenter of the dedicated host
--n, name
Filter by name of the dedicated host
Filter by ID of the order which purchased this dedicated host
Filter by owner of the dedicated host
Column to sort by (Id, Name, Datacenter, Router, Cpu, Memory, Disk, Guests) [default: Id]

ibmcloud sl vs list

List virtual server instances on your account

ibmcloud sl vs list [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs list --domain --hourly --sortby memory This command lists all hourly-billing virtual server instances on current account filtering domain equals to "" and sort them by memory.

ibmcloud sl vs list [flags]

Command options:

Column to display. Options are: id,hostname,domain,cpu,memory,public_ip,private_ip,datacenter,action,guid,power_state,created_by,tags. This option can be specified multiple times
--c, cpu
Filter by number of CPU cores
--d, datacenter
Filter by datacenter shortname
--D, domain
Filter by domain portion of the FQDN
--H, hostname
Filter by host portion of the FQDN
Show only hourly instances
--m, memory
Filter by memory in megabytes
Show only monthly instances
--n, network
Filter by network port speed in Mbps
--o, order
Filter by ID of the order which purchased this instance
Filtered by Id of user who owns the instances
--p, private-ip
Filter by private IP address
--P, public-ip
Filter by public IP address
Column to sort by, default is:hostname, options are:id,hostname,domain,datacenter,cpu,memory,public_ip,private_ip
--g, tag
Filter by tags (multiple occurrence permitted)

ibmcloud sl vs migrate

Manage VSIs that require migration

ibmcloud sl vs migrate [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs migrate --guest 1234567 Manage VSIs that require migration. Can migrate Dedicated Instance from one dedicated host to another dedicated host as well.

ibmcloud sl vs migrate [flags]

Command options:

--a, all
Migrate ALL guests that require migration immediately.
--g, guest
Guest ID to immediately migrate.
--H, host
Dedicated Host ID to migrate to. Only works on guests that are already on a dedicated host.

ibmcloud sl vs monitoring-list

Get details for a vsi monitors device.

ibmcloud sl vs monitoring-list IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs notifications

Shows who gets notified when the server virtual instance has a monitoring issues

ibmcloud sl vs notifications IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs notifications-add

Create a user virtual notification entry.

ibmcloud sl vs notifications-add IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

User ID to be notified on monitoring failure, multiple occurrence allowed

ibmcloud sl vs notifications-delete

Remove a user VS notification entry.

ibmcloud sl vs notifications-delete IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs options

List options for creating virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs options

ibmcloud sl vs os-available

Get all available Operating Systems.

ibmcloud sl vs os-available

ibmcloud sl vs pause

Pause an active virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs pause IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation

ibmcloud sl vs power-off

Power off an active virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs power-off IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
Perform a hard shutdown
Perform a soft shutdown

ibmcloud sl vs power-on

Power on a virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs power-on IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation

ibmcloud sl vs ready

Check if a virtual server instance is ready for use

Will periodically check the status of a virtual server's active transaction. When the transcation is finished the virtual server should be ready for use.

ibmcloud sl vs ready IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

Wait until the virtual server is finished provisioning for up to X seconds before returning

ibmcloud sl vs reboot

Reboot an active virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs reboot IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
Perform a hard reboot
Perform a soft reboot

ibmcloud sl vs reload

Reload operating system on a virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs reload IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]


ibmcloud sl vs reload 12345678 This command reloads current operating system for virtual server instance with ID 12345678. ibmcloud sl vs reload 12345678 --image 1234 This command reloads operating system from image with ID 1234 for virtual server instance with ID 12345678.

ibmcloud sl vs reload IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
Image ID. The default is to use the current operating system. See: '${COMMAND_NAME} sl image list' for reference
--k, key
The IDs of the SSH keys to add to the root user (multiple occurrence permitted)
--i, postinstall
Post-install script to download

ibmcloud sl vs rescue

Reboot a virtual server instance into a rescue image

ibmcloud sl vs rescue IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation

ibmcloud sl vs resume

Resume a paused virtual server instance

ibmcloud sl vs resume IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--f, force
Force operation without confirmation

ibmcloud sl vs storage

Get storage details for a virtual server.

ibmcloud sl vs storage IDENTIFIER

ibmcloud sl vs upgrade

Upgrade a virtual server instance

Note: This virtual server will be rebooted once the upgrade order is placed. The instance is halted until the upgrade transaction is completed. However for Network, no reboot is required.


ibmcloud sl vs upgrade 12345678 -c 8 -m 8192 --network 1000
This commands upgrades virtual server instance with ID 12345678 and set number of CPU cores to 8, memory to 8192M, network port speed to 1000 Mbps.
ibmcloud sl vs upgrade IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

Add Hard disk in GB
--c, cpu
Number of CPU cores
Flavor key name
--f, force
Force operation without confirmation
--m, memory
Memory in megabytes
Network port speed in Mbps
CPU core will be on a dedicated host server
Update disk number to size in GB [capacity,diskNumber]. --resize-disk 250,2

ibmcloud sl vs usage

usage data over date range.

ibmcloud sl vs usage IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS] Usage information of a virtual server. Examples:

ibmcloud sl vs usage 1234 --start 2006-01-02 --end 2006-01-02 --valid-data cpu0

ibmcloud sl vs usage IDENTIFIER [flags]

Command options:

--e, end
End Date e.g. 2019-4-2 (yyyy-MM-dd) [required]
--s, start
Start Date e.g. 2019-3-4 (yyyy-MM-dd) [required]
--p, summary-period
300, 600, 1800, 3600, 43200 or 86400 seconds.
--t, valid-data
Metric_Data_Type keyName e.g. CPU0, CPU1, MEMORY_USAGE, etc. [required]