IBM Cloud Docs
About rulesets

About rulesets

You can use the CIS Ruleset Engine feature suite to create and deploy rules and rulesets in CIS using the same basic syntax.

Main features

The following features apply to rulesets:

  • Powerful syntax: Rule expressions use a powerful rules language similar to the wirefilter syntax that allows you to create complex rules.
  • High-performance rule evaluation: Allows you to have many rules in CIS with minimal impact on performance.
  • Engine powering CIS: CIS continue to build products on top of the Ruleset Engine, which means that you can use the same API methods for configuring different products with the same customization possibilities. The Ruleset Engine also supports the different phases of the request life cycle.


A phase defines a stage in the life of a request where you can execute rulesets. Phases are defined by CIS and can't be modified.

Phases exist at the instance level and at the zone level. For the same phase, rules that are defined at the instance level are evaluated before the rules defined at the zone level.

Each phase has, at most, one entry point ruleset at the instance and zone level.

Currently, only phases at the zone level are available. This page is updated as instance and zone level phases become available in subsequent releases.

Phase list

The following table lists the phases that are available within the Ruleset Engine APIs.

Available phases
Phase name Description Supported interfaces
http_request_firewall_managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) API, CLI, UI
http_request_firewall_custom Firewall rules API
http_ratelimit Rate-limiting rules API, CLI
ddos_l7 HTTP DDoS Attack Protection rules API

Entry point ruleset

Entry point rulesets are abstracted away when you use the CIS UI. They are required to deploy and override rulesets when using the API, CLI, SDK, or Terraform.

An entry point ruleset contains a list of ordered rules that run in a phase at the instance or zone level. This ruleset is an entry point for all rules that are executed in a phase. Some of these rules might run other rulesets.

Each phase has, at most, one entry point ruleset at the instance level and at the zone level.

The kind field of a phase entry point ruleset has one of the following values:

  • root: Used for a phase entry point ruleset at the instance level
  • zone: Used for a phase entry point ruleset at the zone level

For instructions on deploying rulesets that use entry point rulesets for WAF-managed rules, see Deploying managed rulesets. To learn how to override rulesets with entry point rulesets, see Overriding managed rulesets.