IBM Cloud Docs
Viewing your support costs

Viewing your support costs

If you have Advanced or Premium support, you can keep track of your monthly support costs from the Support costs page in the IBM Cloud® console.

How you're charged for support

Each IBM Cloud support plan has a minimum monthly price for providing support for your cloud workload at the stated service level. Beyond this starting price, any additional costs for support are based on your resource usage. The higher your resource usage, the higher your total support cost. For details about your purchased support plan, contact IBM Cloud Sales.

Viewing support costs

To view your support costs, you need an access policy with the Administrator role on the Billing account management service. For more information about access roles, see IAM access.

In the IBM Cloud console, go to Manage > Billing and usage, and select Support costs. You can view your support plan and relevant cost details:

  • If your support costs are billed monthly, you can view your costs for the current month. These costs include the starting price for the plan and any additional costs from your resource usage. After each billing cycle, these charges are added to your monthly invoice.
  • If you have a support subscription, you can view the remaining credit in your active subscriptions and any overages for the current month. Overage is charged if you run out of credit in your active subscriptions. You can also view upcoming support subscriptions, which are subscriptions that you bought but are not yet valid.