IBM Cloud Docs
Reseting the default targets in the account

Reseting the default targets in the account

To reset the Activity Tracker Event Routing account's default targets, you must delete any default targets from the account configuration.


  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Install the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing CLI.

  3. Check that you have IAM permissions to read and update the Activity Tracker Event Routing account settings.

Required IAM roles to manage the Activity Tracker Event Routing account settings.
Role Minimum scope Minimum required roles Action
atracker.setting.get Account Administrator
Get setting information
atracker.setting.update Account Administrator Update settings

Next, log in to IBM Cloud. Run the following command: ibmcloud login

Step 1. Identify targets

Get the list of targets that are defined in the account. Run the following command:

ibmcloud atracker target ls

Step 2. Check your current account settings

To check your account's configuration and find out if there are default targets configured, run the following command:

ibmcloud atracker setting get

The setting Default targets lists any targets in the account that have been configured as default targets.

Step 3. Reset the default targets

Run the following command to reset the account's defaul targets:

ibmcloud atracker setting update  --default-targets ""