IBM Cloud Docs
DevOps toolchains

DevOps toolchains

A DevOps toolchain is a set of tools that automates the tasks of developing and deploying your app. You can perform DevOps manually with simple apps, but the need for automation increases as app complexity increases, and toolchain automation is a must-have for continuous delivery.

The core component of a DevOps toolchain is a version control repository like GitHub. More tools might include backlog tracking, delivery pipelines, an integrated development environment (IDE), and monitoring like IBM Cloud® DevOps Insights.

For more information, see the IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery Getting started tutorial and Toolchain availability, templates, and tutorials.

For more information about managing DevOps toolchains and delivery pipelines by using the IBM Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI), see Viewing a toolchain with the CLI and Viewing a pipeline by using the CLI.