IBM Cloud Docs
Manage workflow

Manage workflow

As an app owner, you can manage feature flags enablement by adding additional workflow with ServiceNow® integration with App Configuration.

You can associate the approval process flow for any configuration changes to App Configuration at the environment level. When you enable the approval workflow, the changes are reflected only after the approval and moving the change request state to implement. Once, the change request is in implement state the changes will be automatically reflected.

Make sure you have an ServiceNow instance with admin privileges to update the configuration.

The External ServiceNow name follows the standard, where xxx is your instance name. The ServiceNow instance name, Username, and Password can be fetched from your ServiceNow console. Navigate to your ServiceNow profile and go to Manage Instance Password to get the details.

To integrate with ServiceNow workflow, perform the following steps:

  1. From your App Configuration service instance dashboard, select value for the Current Environment field. This value should be the environment for which you want to enable the ServiceNow workflow process.

  2. Click Feature flags.

  3. Click Manage Workflow. The Manage workflow side-panel displays.

    Manage external workflow
    Figure 2. Manage external workflow

  4. For External workflow, below are the steps to follow.

    1. Enter the URL of the ServiceNow instance.

    2. Enter the Username to be used for connecting to the ServiceNow instance.

    3. Enter the Password to be used for authenticating the Username mentioned earlier to authenticate in the ServiceNow instance.

    4. Enter the Client ID needed to retrieve the OAuth access token.

      Client ID and Client secret are required for accessing your ServiceNow instance. For creating a Client ID and Client secret, check the service now documentation on how to create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.

    5. Enter the Client secret required for authenticating the Client ID provided earlier.

    6. Enter the approval Group Name defined in ServiceNow. The approval Group Name will contain set of people who are authorized to approve the Change Requests created in the ServiceNow workflow.

    7. Set the Change request expiration time (in hours). Minimum 1 to maximum 999 hours.

    8. Set the Enabled toggle switch to ON to enable the workflow for selected environment.

  5. Click Create to create and apply the workflow.

When you create a workflow in an environment, toggling the feature flags to On state or OFF state in that environment will initiate a change request and need to go through the workflow approval process.

If you have already enabled some feature flags before applying the workflow approval process, those feature flags will function as usual but further toggling will go through an approval process.

If you disable an existing feature flag and apply the workflow, and then enable the feature flag, its status changes to Workflow initiated and a change request workflow will be initiated.

How to add a mandatory tag to the External ServiceNow workflow change request?

Follow these steps to add a mandatory tag to the change request for the External ServiceNow workflow integration:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.

  2. Open an existing Change Request.

    ServiceNow change request
    Figure 3. ServiceNow change request

  3. Click the additional actions icon to open up the additional options.

    ServiceNow additional actions
    Figure 4. ServiceNow additional actions

  4. Click Configure and select the Form Layout.

    Form Layout
    Figure 5. ServiceNow additional configure option - Form Layout

  5. In the Form Layout under Form view and section, select Change Request and create a new field with Name exactly as Appconfiguration tag, Type as String, and Field length as Medium (100).

    Make sure to enter the field Name exactly as Appconfiguration tag (case sensitive).

    Create new field
    Figure 6. ServiceNow additional configure option - Form Layout - Create new field

  6. Click Add. Once added, the new field will be shown in the Available section.

    Created new field displayed in Available section
    Figure 7. ServiceNow additional configure option - Form Layout - new field displayed in Available section

  7. Select Appconfiguration tag from the Available section and add it to Selected section.

    Selecting new field from Available section to Selected section
    Figure 8. ServiceNow additional configure option - Form Layout - selecting new field from Available section to Selected section

  8. You can see the new field appearing in the change request.

    New field displayed in the change request
    Figure 9. New field displayed in the change request

    Field value is added by App Configuration service while creating new change requests. Hence, do not modify the value or add any other value to Appconfiguration tag field. Modifying or adding any other value to the field can lead to ignoring the change request events.

How to register or add webhook script to your External ServiceNow instance?

Follow these steps to register or add webhook script to your ServiceNow instance:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.

  2. Click the All tab and search for Business Rules listed under System Definitions.

    ServiceNow All tab
    Figure 10. ServiceNow - Business Rules listed under System Definitions

  3. In the Business Rules page, click the New button.

    New Business Rule
    Figure 11. ServiceNow - Create new business rule

  4. In the new record, add the Name, select the table to be Change Request. Select the Advanced check box to see the advanced option tab.

    Advanced option to add webhook script
    Figure 12. Advanced option to add webhook script

  5. In the Advanced option tab, add the webhook script.

    (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {
       try {
          if (current.u_appconfiguration_tag == "appconfig-workflow" && (current.state == -1 || current.state == -5 || current.state == 4)) {
                //creating the glider Encrypt object
                var glideEncrypt = new GlideEncrypter();
                //fetching the sys_property that contains the IAM key
                var encryptedIbmIAMKey = gs.getProperty('<Add System property name which holds the IBM IAM key (Case Sensitive)>');
                //example: var encryptedKey = gs.getProperty('WorkflowAppConfigIamKey'); 
                //Decrypting the key
                var decryptedIAMKey = glideEncrypt.decrypt(encryptedIbmIAMKey);
                gs.addInfoMessage("IBM KEY DECRYPTION COMPLETED");
                if (Object.keys(decryptedIAMKey).length !== 0) {
                   gs.addInfoMessage("CHANGE REQUEST IDENTIFIED AS WORKFLOW RELATED");
                   //Adding the decrypted key to the IAM token generation body
                   var bodyContent = "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=" + decryptedIAMKey;
                   //Making POST call to IBM IAM to generate token
                   var ibmIamTokenRequest = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
                   ibmIamTokenResponse = ibmIamTokenRequest.execute();
                   var ibmIamTokenResponseCode = ibmIamTokenResponse.getStatusCode();
                   gs.addInfoMessage("IBM IAM TOKEN CREATION HTTP RESPONSE CODE: " + ibmIamTokenResponseCode);
                   if (ibmIamTokenResponseCode == 200) {
                      //parsing json response to extract the access_token
                      var ibmIamTokenResponseData = JSON.parse(ibmIamTokenResponse.getBody());
                      //extracting the access_token
                      var access_token = ibmIamTokenResponseData.access_token;
                      var encryptedInstanceId = gs.getProperty('<Add System property name which holds the AppConfig InstanceId (Case Sensitive)>');
                      //example: var encryptedInstanceId = gs.getProperty('WorkflowIbmAppConfigInstanceId');
                      var decryptedInstanceId = glideEncrypt.decrypt(encryptedInstanceId);
                      gs.addInfoMessage("IBM APP CONFIG INSTANCE ID DECRYPTION COMPLETED");
                      //preparing webhook request to forward
                      var webHookRequest = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
                      //Refer link for more info on base URL
                      //Choose the base url from below based on your AppConfig instance region
                      //Washington DC:
                      webHookRequest.setEndpoint('{{AppConfigRegionBaseURL}}/apprapp/workflow/v1/instances/' + decryptedInstanceId + '/crevents');
                      webHookRequest.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + access_token);
                      webHookRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                      webHookRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
                      //preparing the data for the webhook request
                      var webHookReqDataObject = new Object();
                      webHookReqDataObject.operation = String(current.operation());
                      webHookReqDataObject.short_description = String(current.short_description);
                      webHookReqDataObject.change_request_id = String(current.number);
                      webHookReqDataObject.description = String(current.description);
                      webHookReqDataObject.cr_state = String(current.state);
                      webHookReqDataObject.cr_approval_assignment_group = String(current.assignment_group);
                      webHookReqDataObject.appconfiguration_tag = String(current.u_appconfiguration_tag);
                      webHookReqDataObject.implementation_time = String(current.work_start);
                      var webHookJsonStringData = JSON.stringify(webHookReqDataObject);
                      //checking the change request has the tag, we only accept the CR with the below mentioned tag id 
                      gs.addInfoMessage("SENDING REQUEST TO APP CONFIGURATION WEBHOOK HANDLER");
                      var webHookResponse = webHookRequest.execute();
                      httpResponseStatus = webHookResponse.getStatusCode();
                      gs.addInfoMessage("APP CONFIGURATION WEBHOOK HANDLER RESPONSE CODE:  " + httpResponseStatus);
                      if (httpResponseStatus == 200) {
                            gs.addInfoMessage("SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED THE WEBHOOK CALL");
                      } else {
                            //try once more
                            webHookResponse = webHookRequest.execute();
                            httpResponseStatus = webHookResponse.getStatusCode();
                            gs.addInfoMessage("WEBHOOK CALL RETRY STATUS CODE:  " + httpResponseStatus);
                   } else {
                      gs.addInfoMessage("IBM IAM TOKEN GENERATION FAILED");
                } else {
                   gs.addInfoMessage("DECRYPTED IAM KEY IS EMPTY OR NOT FOUND");
          } else {
                gs.addInfoMessage("CR STATE : " + current.state + " CR APPCONFIGURATION TAG VALUE : " + current.u_appconfiguration_tag);
       } catch (ex) {
          var message = ex.getMessage();
    })(current, previous);
  6. Modify the copied script with your IBM IAM token or App Configuration service credentials' API key and App Configuration instance ID.

  7. Navigate to When to run tab and select the Update checkbox.

    ServiceNow - When to run tab
    Figure 13. ServiceNow - When to run tab

  8. Click Submit to save the details.

How to add IBM IAM token or App Configuration service credentials' API key for the webhook script?

Webhook script needs IBM IAM token for the webhook calls or App Configuration service credentials' API key, where you can store the API key to generate the token.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.

  2. Click the All tab and search for sys_properties.LIST and press Enter. Alternately, you can go to https://{{instanceid}}, where instanceid is your ServiceNow instance ID.

    ServiceNow All tab
    Figure 14. ServiceNow - All tab

  3. The System properties details gets displayed.

    System properties
    Figure 15. ServiceNow - System properties

  4. Click New to create a new system property.

    New system property
    Figure 16. ServiceNow - New system property

  5. Add the following details to add the token. Use the password2 type to store the key. This type will encrypt the data and can only be decrypted with the ServiceNow instance.

    System property
    Figure 17. ServiceNow - System property

  6. Click Submit to save the key in ServiceNow instance. Once saved, you can see that the data is encrypted.

How to add the App Configuration instance ID to ServiceNow system property for the webhook script?

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.

  2. Click the All tab and search for sys_properties.LIST and press Enter. Alternately, you can go to https://{{instanceid}}, where instanceid is your ServiceNow instance ID.

    ServiceNow All tab
    Figure 18. ServiceNow - All tab

  3. The System properties details gets displayed.

    System properties
    Figure 19. ServiceNow - System properties

  4. Click New to create a new system property.

    New system property
    Figure 20. ServiceNow - New system property

  5. Add the App Configuration instance ID. Use the password2 type to store the key. This type will encrypt the data and can only be decrypted with the ServiceNow instance.

    System property
    Figure 21. ServiceNow - System property

  6. Click Submit to save the key in ServiceNow instance. Once saved, you can see that the data is encrypted.