IBM Cloud Docs
Why is my account inactive?

Why is my account inactive?

You can't create an app in IBM Cloud if your account is inactive. You must contact the support team and open a request to fix this problem.

When you try to create an app in IBM Cloud, the following error message is displayed:

BXNUI0096E: The app wasn't created. Your account is inactive because it was canceled or suspended.

Your account becomes inactive when it is canceled or suspended.

  • If you can't log in to an IBM Cloud account, create an account request.
  • Check with the account owner to make sure that you are invited to the account with the appropriate access.
  • To reactivate your account, contact IBM Cloud Support by calling 1 (866) 325-0045 and selecting option 3. Include the following information so the support team can help restore the correct account:
  • The IBMid that you use to log in to IBM Cloud.
  • The name of the organization in which your app is being created. This information can help the support team determine whether you're assigned the correct roles or membership in your organization.