IBM Cloud Docs
Why does a resource group error occur after reactivation or upgrade of a suspended account?

Why does a resource group error occur after reactivation or upgrade of a suspended account?

When you try to reactivate or upgrade a closed Lite account, the process does not complete successfully.

The following error message displays when you try to create a new service instance:

The resource group <name> is inactive with state: SUSPENDED

Or when you view the list of resource groups for the account, you no longer have a group named Default.

This is a known issue and limitation for deactivated accounts that have been restored. At the discretion of IBM, accounts that violate the acceptable usage behavior of the IBM Cloud® services can be deactivated without notice. Some services can be restored if users correct their usage behaviors after they're notified of the offensive action. For more information, see Acceptable Internet use policy for IBM services.

To resolve the issue, create a support case and include the group name from the error message in the case details.