IBM Cloud Docs
IAM Policy Management API change log

IAM Policy Management API change log

In this change log you can learn about the latest changes, improvements, and updates to the IAM Policy Management API. The change log lists changes that have been made, ordered by the date they were released. Changes to existing API versions are designed to be compatible with existing client applications.

For information about the latest changes to the IAM Policy Management SDKs and CLI, see the change logs in the SDK repositories:

API versioning

The IAM Policy Management API uses URI path versioning. Incompatible changes are versioned as major changes by incrementing the URI path number (../v1/policies). All other changes to the api are expected to be compatible with existing usage.

Active version

The following table shows the behavior changes for each version.

Table 1. IAM Policy Management API versions
Version Summary of changes
v2 New schema to support conditions and advanced operators dealing with date and time
v1 Initial version of IAM Policy Management API

The v1 API is not forwards compatible with the v2 API. You can't add conditions to a policy that is created with the v1 API. To add conditions, you must delete the v1 policy and replace it with a new access policy that includes conditions.

25 January 2023

This change log introduces a new version (v1 -> v2) of the IAM Policy Management API. This version adds a new JSON schema to support a conditional policy construct and several time-based comparison operators. These operators provide the capability to restrict access based on time and date. With time-based access control, customers can establish granular policy enforcement based on a specified time period.

To get started, see Limiting access with time-based conditions.

For detailed operator descriptions and examples, see: Conditions in v2 access policies

The new v2/polices schema provides backwards functional compatibility and allows for more complex comparisons and operators. The v1/polices schema remains supported and available. For more information, see Comparing /v1/policies and /v2/policies syntax.