IBM Cloud Docs
Why do I get an error about an invalid version of Vulnerability Advisor being specified?

Why do I get an error about an invalid version of Vulnerability Advisor being specified?

You tried to set Vulnerability Advisor to an invalid version, for example, version 3 in IBM Cloud® Container Registry, but version 3 is discontinued. You receive an error message, for example Invalid Vulnerability Advisor version 'v3' specified. Specify a valid version or, to list the available versions, re-run the command with no parameters.

When you try to set the version of Vulnerability Advisor to version 3 v3, you get the following message.

$ ibmcloud cr va-version-set v3
Invalid Vulnerability Advisor version 'v3' specified. Specify a valid version or, to list the available versions, re-run the command with no parameters. See

You are trying to use a discontinued version of Vulnerability Advisor.

Version 3 of Vulnerability Advisor is discontinued from 13 November 2023. Vulnerability Advisor version 4 is now the default. You must update to Vulnerability Advisor version 4.

To update to version 4, run the following command.

ibmcloud cr va-version-set v4

For more information about how to update to Vulnerability Advisor version 4, see Vulnerability Advisor version 3 is being discontinued on 13 November 2023. For more information about the versions of Vulnerability Advisor, see Does Vulnerability Advisor have versions? and Setting the Vulnerability Advisor version.