IBM Cloud Docs
Why doesn't the retention command show all the images in Container Registry?

Why doesn't the retention command show all the images in Container Registry?

An image doesn't show in the list that is produced by the IBM Cloud® Container Registry ibmcloud cr retention-run command.

You ran the ibmcloud cr retention-run command and an image that you expected to see in the list is not displayed.

You might have Cloud Native Buildpacks or distroless base images that produce images with the build date set to a specific constant rather than the real build time or with no build timestamp at all. The ibmcloud cr retention-run command deletes the oldest images, and therefore requires a real build time.

Images created before 2013-01-19T00:13:39Z are excluded from retention policy evaluation.

You can delete the image manually by running the ibmcloud cr image-rm command, see Deleting images from your private repository.

To check the creation date of an image, you can run the ibmcloud cr image-inspect command. If the image doesn't have a creation date, the date is shown in the ibmcloud cr image-inspect output as 1970-01-01, and the image is excluded from the results for ibmcloud cr retention-run.