IBM Cloud Docs
Container Registry CLI stops returning security status results in lists by default from version 1.0.0

Container Registry CLI stops returning security status results in lists by default from version 1.0.0

From IBM Cloud® Container Registry CLI plug-in version 1.0.0, when you use the ibmcloud cr image-list and ibmcloud cr image-digests commands to list images, they return Vulnerability Advisor security status results only if you use the --va option.

The ibmcloud cr image-list and ibmcloud cr image-digests commands currently return the security status of each image by default. Some users store many images in the registry, and returning security status for every image when listing takes more processing time, which can lead to a poor experience and a reduced limit on the maximum number of images that can be listed.

To improve the user experience, a new major version, version 1.0.0, of the IBM Cloud Container Registry CLI plug-in changes the default behavior for the ibmcloud cr image-list and ibmcloud cr image-digests commands so that they return Vulnerability Advisor security status results only if you use the --va option.

Action required now

If you want to continue to receive security status with your list, prepare to upgrade by adding the new --va option to your commands.

If you require security status with your list, add the --restrict option when you're using the ibmcloud cr image-list and ibmcloud cr image-digests commands to receive just the information that you require.

If you are an API user and require security status with your list, ensure that you are restricting the repositories that you are requesting to ensure that you receive list results quickly and reliably.