IBM Cloud Docs
API and CLI overview

API and CLI overview

IBM® Event Streams for IBM Cloud® provides a number of API to help use and configure your Event Streams Kafka cluster.

The following API versions are available:

  • Kafka native API: Kafka exposes all its functionality over a language independent protocol that has clients available in many programming languages. Kafka includes three protocol APIs (Producer, Consumer, Admin) and two additional framework APIs (Streams, Connect).
  • Kafka console tools: Apache Kafka comes with various console tools for simple administration and messaging operations.
  • Event Streams Admin REST API: Event Streams provides REST API for administration that you can use to create, delete, list, and update topics.
  • Event Streams REST Producer API: Event Streams provides REST API for producing to your cluster.
  • CLI reference: Event Streams also provides a dedicated CLI plugin that provides a seamless mechanism by which to view and administer the topics, partitions, consumer groups, and configuration of your Event Streams's Kafka instances.