Recovering a deleted database instance
When a service instance is deleted, it is put in a suspend state for 7 days after which its removed. The deleted instance can be recovered within 7 days of deletion by following these steps.
The user must be logged into their IBMCloud account to be able to recover an instance.
Listing instances available for recovery
The following command list the deleted instances that are available for reclamation:
ibmcloud resource reclamations
>$ ibmcloud resource reclamations
List all resource reclamations
ID Resource Instance ID Entity CRN State Target Time
835bdb40-b33b-43b4-a1f6-e234433334 d670d057-34c2-4430-8071-bafb0dfddse108 crn:v1:bluemix:public:dashdb-for-transactions:us-south:a/a8a1951114b2d2esddf59d2d01:d670d057-34c2-4430-8071-ba23443108:: SCHEDULED 2021-10-27T14:08:22Z
Recovering the deleted the instance
The following command will recover the deleted service instance:
ibmcloud resource reclamation-restore <ID>
>$ ibmcloud resource reclamation-restore "835bdb40-b33b-43b4-a1f6-e234433334"
Submitting request to restore resource reclamation 835bdb40-b33b-43b4-a1f6-e234433334 under account
Request to restore reclamation 835bdb40-b33b-43b4-a1f6-e234433334 was submitted
Issuing a ibmcloud resource reclamations
will now show the service instnace in a RESTORING state
>$ ibmcloud resource reclamations
List all resource reclamations
ID Resource Instance ID Entity CRN State Target Time
835bdb40-b33b-43b4-a1f6-e234433334 d670d057-34c2-4430-8071-bafb0dfddse108 crn:v1:bluemix:public:dashdb-for-transactions:us-south:a/a8a1951114b2d2esddf59d2d01:d670d057-34c2-4430-8071-ba23443108:: RESTORING 2021-10-27T14:08:22Z
Once the service instance has been restore it will appear in Resources
under Services and software
on the IBMCloud dashboard.