IBM Cloud Docs
Publishing test data to DevOps Insights

Publishing test data to DevOps Insights

Users can upload test results to IBM Cloud® DevOps Insights from any continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools and see all of those test results in the DevOps Insights Quality Dashboard page. A CI/CD tool refers to tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, and IBM® Continuous Delivery Pipeline for IBM Cloud® that are used to create builds, run tests, and perform deployments.

For more information about the Quality Dashboard page, see DevOps data aggregation.

Supported test data format in DevOps Insights

The following table showed a list of supported tests and formats.

Table 1. Default DevOps Insights data sets
Display Label Data Type Supported Data Formats and File Extension
Unit Tests Test Case JUnit (JSON), xUnit (xml), Mocha (JSON), KarmaMocha (JSON)
Code Coverage Code Coverage Cobertura (xml), lcov (info), JaCoCo (xml)
Functional Verification Tests Test Case JUnit (JSON), xUnit (xml), Mocha (JSON), KarmaMocha (JSON)
SonarQube SonarQube SonarQube
Dynamic Security Scan Dynamic Security Scan IBM Cloud® Application Security (xml)
Static Security Scan Static Security Scan IBM Cloud® Application Security (xml)
Vulnerability Advisor Vulnerability Advisor Vulnerability Advisor (JSON)

Uploading test case results

To upload unit tests, functional verification tests or custom test data, use the following command:

ibmcloud doi testrecord-publish --logicalappname "$MY_APP_NAME" --buildnumber "$MY_BUILD_NUMBER" --filelocation "./test-sample-folder/unit_test_mocha.json" --type=unittest

For a sample test result files that you can upload to DevOps Insights, see this GitHub repository with dummy data.

Uploading Code Coverage Results

To upload Code Coverage results or custom code data, use the following command:

ibmcloud doi testrecord-publish --logicalappname "$MY_APP_NAME" --buildnumber "$MY_BUILD_NUMBER" --filelocation "./test-sample-folder/code_coverage_cobertura.xml" --type=code

For a sample test result files that you can upload to DevOps Insights, see this GitHub repository with dummy data.

Uploading IBM Application Scan reports

Users can get the report from the IBM AppScan CLI tool. Scan the application from the CLI to get the results in compressed file format. get_result -i $job_id -d "$" -t zip

Unzip the results in a folder and go to that folder, then upload a file called Report-final.xml

ibmcloud doi testrecord-publish --logicalappname "$MY_APP_NAME" --buildnumber "$MY_BUILD_NUMBER" --filelocation "./Report-final.xml" --type staticsecurityscan

Change the type to dynamicsecurityscan if the report is from a dynamic scan.

Uploading SonarQube results

To upload data from SonarQube, you must provide the SonarQube server token by using --token. Your SonarQube server is required to be accessible from your CI/CD tool.

After you run a scan by using SonarQube, you can upload SonarQube results by running this command.

ibmcloud doi testrecord-publish --logicalappname "$MY_APP_NAME" --buildnumber "$MY_BUILD_NUMBER" --filelocation ".scannerwork/report-task.txt" --type=sonarqube --token=$SONARQUBE_TOKEN

report-task.txt is a file that is generated during the SonarQube scan.

Uploading IBM Vulnerability Advisor results

To get the result of the vulnerability advisor scan from the CLI, use the following command:

ibmcloud cr va ${PIPELINE_IMAGE_URL} -o json > vulnerability_advisor.json

You can get your image's repository and tag from the Vulnerability Advisor UI or in the CLI by using ibmcloud cr image-list. DevOps Insights accepts only the JSON output. You can upload Vulnerability Advisor output file to DevOps Insights by running this command.

ibmcloud doi testrecord-publish --logicalappname "${APP_NAME}" --buildnumber "${BUILD_NUMBER}" --filelocation "vulnerability_advisor.json" --type vulnerabilityadvisor