IBM Cloud Docs
Plan limitations and usage

Plan limitations and usage

The use of IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery is limited to the building, deploying, testing, and ongoing operations of applications on the IBM Cloud platform or other compatible platform-as-a-service or infrastructure-as-a-service offerings.

Scope of a service instance

You must have a Continuous Delivery service instance to create and use DevOps toolchains that include the Delivery Pipeline, Git Repos and Issue Tracking, and DevOps Insights tool integrations. A service instance belongs to a resource group. The Continuous Delivery service instance in a specific region and resource group meters and governs your usage of all of the toolchains in the same region and resource group.

You can have only one Lite service per account. It is recommended that you use the Professional plan if you want to work with toolchains in multiple resource groups, or within multiple regions.

Authorized users

Continuous Delivery service plans are defined and priced based on the number of authorized users for a service instance. Individual contributors, including the following examples, are counted as authorized users:

  • Users who interact with issues, issues boards, source code, or other artifacts in a Git Repos and Issue Tracking repository (repo).
  • Users who manipulate, trigger (either directly in the user interface or indirectly by committing to a repo), or view the status of a delivery pipeline.
  • Users who interact with DevOps Insights.

If your toolchain integrates Git Repos and Issue Tracking projects in the open-toolchain group that is provided by IBM, such as in, members of these projects are not counted as authorized users of your toolchains.

The Lite plan is subject to limits. For more information about the Lite plan and the Professional plan, see the service catalog.

You can maintain an activity log related to authorized users. For more information about viewing, managing, and auditing service-initiated and user-initiated activities in your IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery instances, see IBM Cloud Activity Tracker events.

How are users counted for instances of Continuous Delivery in resource groups?

Users are counted and managed by using the list of authorized users that belongs to each Continuous Delivery service instance. Users are automatically added to this list when they meet any of the following criteria:

  • View, edit, or run a delivery pipeline.
  • Have Developer (or greater) access to a repo in Git Repos and Issue Tracking that allows them to commit and push changes to that repo. Users of Git repos with the Guest or Reporter roles with read-only access are not counted as authorized users. Users of Git Project Access Tokens with the Developer (or greater) role are counted as authorized users. These users appear in the list of authorized users as bot users.

Users with the Guest or Reporter roles are not automatically added to the authorized users list. To prevent users from accessing toolchains and automatically being added to the authorized user list for a Continuous Delivery service instance, complete the following actions:

  • Remove the user's access to the toolchain from IAM.
  • Remove Developer access from all Git Repos and Issue Tracking repos that are attached to all of the toolchains in the resource group by removing their repo access or downgrading their role to Guest or Reporter.

The specific activities that are used to automatically count users, and the method for counting those users might change over time. However, the process for counting users will continue to comply with the terms of Continuous Delivery plans. You can also manually add users to the list of authorized users, at any time.

For more information about using IAM to manage access to toolchains in a resource group or the toolchain itself, see Managing user access to toolchains with Identity and Access Management. For more information about managing access to a Git Repos and Issue Tracking repo, see Project's members.

The method that you use to organize toolchains within resource groups directly impacts user access and billing. When a user uses toolchains in multiple regions or resource groups, they are counted and billed for each Continuous Delivery service instance within each unique pairing of region and resource group.

You can manage the list of authorized users on the Manage tab within the Continuous Delivery service instance.

  1. Go to the Resource list for your IBM Cloud account.
  2. In the Name column, in the filter text box, type Continuous Delivery to view your existing services.
  3. For each service, click the hyperlink in the Name column.
  4. In the Manage tab, you can view, add, or remove users from the list of Authorized Users, as needed.

Users are automatically added or added again when they use the Continuous Delivery service.

How can you view billing and usage information?

You can view all of the instances of the Continuous Delivery service in your account and the number of users and pipeline executions that are reported against each instance in an IBM Cloud Public environment.

  1. From the menu bar, click Manage > Billing and usage.
  2. Click Usage.
  3. In the Services section, click View plans for the Continuous Delivery service.
  4. Click View details for the plan that you want to view information about.
  5. Click View instance details for the instance of Continuous Delivery that you want to view usage information for.

The AUTHORIZED_USERS_PER_MONTH metric is calculated based on a monthly average of users that is counted daily.

What happens when you exceed the limits of your service plan?

The Lite service plan has other limitations, such as the number of Classic Delivery Pipeline jobs or Tekton steps that can run, or the storage consumption. For more information about the plan description, see the service catalog. If any of the plan limitations are exceeded in a billing period, the service suspends. For example, Classic Delivery Pipeline jobs (or Tekton pipeline runs) do not run for the remainder of the billing period.

Upgrading to the Professional plan will remove these limitations and reactivate the service.

How can you change to a different service plan?

You can upgrade from the Continuous Delivery Lite service plan to the Professional plan.

  1. From the console, click the Menu icon Menu icon > Resource list to view your list of resources.
  2. Click the Continuous Delivery service that you want to upgrade.
  3. Click Plan in the Continuous Delivery service instance dashboard.
  4. In the Change pricing plan section, select Professional to upgrade to the Continuous Delivery Professional plan, and click Save.
  5. After you change your plan, you must restage your app. Go to your resource list to find the app that the service is bound to. Click the Menu icon Menu icon > Resource list. In the app menu, select Restart App.

Changing a plan through the CLI

As an alternative to the console, you can change the Continuous Delivery service's pricing plan by using the IBM Cloud command-line interface (CLI).

  1. Check whether the service is enabled with the resource controller.

    ibmcloud catalog service continuous-delivery

    If the service is enabled with the resource controller (RC), it lists RC Compatible true. Make note of the ID of the plan that you want to change to.

    ID                 59b735ee-5938-4ebd-a6b2-541aef2d1f68
    Name               continuous-delivery
    Kind               service
    Provider           IBM
    Tags               dev_ops, eu_access, gc_migrate, ibm_created, lite, rc_compatible
    Active             true
    Description        Support DevOps best practices by using Git, issue tracking, and CI/CD pipelines in the Cloud.
    Bindable           false
    Original Name      continuous-delivery
    RC Compatible      true
    RC Provisionable   true
    IAM Compatible     true
    Children           Name                      Kind         ID                                            
                       lite                      plan         a35fb0e9-4fc2-400e-8161-49078e5af632 
                       professional              plan         9ca4dc64-bc7b-4aba-9c1c-8bbf30ff127e
  2. Change the plan for your service instance by using the ibmcloud resource service-instance-update command.

    ibmcloud resource service-instance-update <service_instance_name>
    --service-plan-id <plan_id>

Delivery Pipeline usage

Delivery pipelines under a Continuous Delivery service instance Lite plan have several limitations.

  • The 500-step and job run limit includes both pipeline steps for Tekton pipelines and pipeline job runs for Classic pipelines. If your pipeline has many steps within a single run, such as with the DevSecOps pipelines, you might reach this limit quickly.
  • Delivery pipeline failures, excluding skipped step runs and Classic job runs, are counted as part of the 500 Tekton step run limit per month. This 500-step run limit also applies to Classic job runs for Classic pipelines.
  • All of your toolchains and all of your pipelines within those toolchains that are in the same resource group contribute to the same limit of 500 Tekton step runs per month. The same limit is used because pipeline step runs and job runs are counted at the resource group level for a specific Continuous Delivery instance.

A five-day grace period is offered the first time that you reach the 500-step run limit. This grace period is offered only once.

The retention period for pipelines varies based on the pipeline type and the plan that is selected for the Continuous Delivery service instance.

  • Classic pipelines retain a maximum of 10 stage runs on either plan.
  • Tekton pipelines under the Professional plan retain PipelineRuns and their logs for one year.
  • Tekton pipelines under the Lite plan retain PipelineRuns and their logs for 30 days.

The acceptable usage behaviors include, but are not limited to, these behaviors:

  • The compilation and assembly of artifacts for supported programming languages.
  • The automated deployment of application artifacts, configurations, and supporting resources or services.
  • Testing, validation, and other development event-generated behavior that is triggered as the result of a development process.

The usage behaviors that are not permitted include, but are not limited to, these behaviors:

  • The use of pipeline jobs or workers for general compute behaviors, such as Bitcoin mining, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and malicious or offensive behavior to other clients or users within the IBM Cloud platform or general internet users.
  • The use in the normal development process for sites or services that promote hate speech, or other activities that violate the IBM Business Conduct Guidelines.
  • The use of event-generated behavior for malicious intrusion or attacks against IBM Cloud or other sites.

At the discretion of IBM, users who violate the acceptable usage behaviors of the Continuous Delivery services or the IBM Business Conduct Guidelines can be disabled without notice. At the discretion of IBM, some services can be restored if users correct their usage behaviors after they are notified of the offensive action. Otherwise, accounts can be suspended or terminated.

Git Repos and Issue Tracking limitations

Git Repos and Issue Tracking is built on GitLab Community Edition and hosted by IBM on IBM Cloud, however, a few GitLab options are not available:

  • Because Delivery Pipeline provides continuous integration and continuous delivery for IBM Cloud, the continuous integration features in GitLab are not supported.
  • GitLab admin functions are not available because they are managed by IBM.
  • Git Repos and Issue Tracking might not be fully accessible.

Git Repos and Issue Tracking user information and content

Three types of Git Repos and Issue Tracking projects are available:

  • Public projects are visible to all site visitors. The content in a public project is visible to everyone who accesses Continuous Delivery, even if they are not invited to the project.
  • Private projects are visible to select users only. For more information about granting users access to a project, see Project members.
  • Internal projects are visible to all logged-in users. Any user who has an IBM Cloud account can view these projects.

For more information about the project settings, see Change project visibility.

When you use Git Repos and Issue Tracking, the content that you contribute to a project is licensed under any terms that are specified in that project. When you create a project, include a file that describes the license that applies to the content. When you contribute to a project, your name and the email address that is associated with your commits might be visible to the public. The email address that is associated with your IBM Cloud account is used when you create commits through the Git Repos and Issue Tracking web interface.