IBM Cloud Docs
Using Delivery Pipeline Tekton Pipelines with externalized properties

Using Delivery Pipeline Tekton Pipelines with externalized properties

You can run pipelines that contain pipeline properties that are not stored with the Delivery Pipeline. By using these externalized properties, you can manage pipeline environment properties in a Git repository (repo) and use version control and tracking.

After a pipeline is externalized, pipeline runs occur in the same way, depending on the triggers that are configured for the pipeline. The values of any properties that are externalized and specified by way of the pipeline UI are overridden by the values in the UI when the property names and property types match.

Configuring a pipeline to use externalized properties

The latest private worker agent versions support external properties natively. This support uses Kustomize and External Secrets, and requires a pipeline that is configured to use external properties.

As of Kubernetes version 1.14, Kustomize is included in Kubernetes to provide a declarative means of cluster configuration and Kubernetes object creation by using yaml files. To use externalized properties, your pipelines require a kustomization.yaml file.

By using the External Secrets operator, you can synchronize secrets from external APIs with Kubernetes secrets. Supported providers include IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager. By using the operator, you can represent secrets and providers within yaml files that are stored in a repo, such as Git. To use externalized secure properties, your pipeline definitions must provide yaml files that define both a SecretStore and an ExternalSecret.

Configuring a cluster

Pipelines with externalized environment properties are supported on pipeline private worker installations at version 0.14.9 or later, or on IBM-provided managed workers.

If you are using your own private worker, you must run the following command on the cluster that hosts that worker.

kubectl set env deployment/private-worker-agent -n tekton-pipelines ENABLE_CDPR="true"

For more information about the images that the private worker installation places on a cluster, see Pipeline Private Worker images.

Configuring a pipeline

To set up a pipeline to use external properties, you must specify two sets of attributes: base properties and trigger properties.

Base properties represent the collection of properties and secrets that are global across trigger runs. You can find these values in the settings that are specified on the Environment properties page for the Tekton pipeline.

Trigger properties are the properties and secrets that are specified on an individual trigger. Property precedence means that trigger properties override base properties of the same name. While each pipeline has only one set of base properties, you can have many different sets of trigger properties.

Properties with the same name in the pipeline UI override any externalized properties.

It is recommended that you separate your base properties and secrets by storing your base properties in a single folder within a Git repository (repo), and storing each trigger secret in its own separate folder.

Base properties

A base properties folder must contain the following files:

  • .cdexternalpropbase: An empty file that marks the current directory as containing externalized base properties.
  • environment-properties.env: The externalized representation of nonsecure pipeline properties in key value pairs.
  • kustomization.yaml: A YAML file that generates a configmap from the environment properties, and identifies the secret stores and external secrets that are defined in the directory.
  • external-secret-store.yaml: An external secrets definition of an external secret store, such as HashiCorp Vault. You can have multiple stores that are used by different secrets.
  • external-secret.yaml: An external secrets definition of a secret that is stored in the secret store that is defined in the external-secret-store.yaml file. You can have multiple external secrets.


Complete the following steps in the repo that you use to contain the externalized properties:

  1. In the repo that contains the existing Tekton resource definitions, add a folder that is named base.
  2. Add the path of this folder to your pipeline definitions.
  3. In the base folder, add the .cdexternalpropbase, environment-properties.env, kustomization.yaml, external-secret-store.yaml, and external-secret.yaml files.
  4. Update these files to match the properties that you want to externalize.

Example externalized environment-properties.env file

## Pipeline Environment Properties: base/environment-properties.env

Example externalized kustomization.yaml file

## Pipeline Kustomize file: base/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
commonLabels: kustomize
  disableNameSuffixHash: true
  - external-secret.yaml
  - external-secret-store.yaml
  - name: environment-properties
      - environment-properties.env

Example externalized external-secret-store.yaml file

## Pipeline HashiCorp vault secret store: base/external-secret-store.yaml
kind: SecretStore
  name: hv-vault-backend
      server: "https://VAULT:PORT"
      path: ""
      version: "v1"
          path: "approle"
          roleId: "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
          # Reference to a key in a K8 Secret that contains the App Role SecretId
            name: "secure-properties"
            key: "vault_secret_id"

Example externalized external-secret.yaml file

## Pipeline secure property stored externally: base/external-secret.yaml
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: "my-external-secret"
    name: hv-vault-backend
    kind: SecretStore
  refreshInterval: "0s"
    name: mysecrets
    creationPolicy: "Owner"
    deletionPolicy: "Delete"
  - secretKey: API_KEY
      key: VAULT/PATH/my-ibmcloud-apikey
      property: value

Trigger properties

Make sure that each externalized trigger within a pipeline has its own trigger properties folder that contains the properties and external secrets to use for that trigger.

Each trigger properties folder must contain the following files:

  • .cdexternalproptrigger: A file that marks the current directory as containing trigger properties. This file must have a JSON object with the name of the trigger, as shown in the following example.

        "triggerName" : "Deploy - External"
  • trigger-properties.env: The externalized representation of nonsecure pipeline properties within key value pairs.

  • kustomization.yaml: A YAML file that generates a configmap from the trigger properties, and identifies the secret stores and external secrets that are defined in the directory.

  • external-secret.yaml: An external secrets definition of a secret that is defined in the base folder.


Complete the following steps in the repo that you use to contain the externalized properties:

  1. In the repo that contains the externalized properties, add a folder with a unique name such as trigger[#].
  2. Add the path of this folder to your pipeline definitions.
  3. In the base folder, add the .cdexternalproptrigger, trigger-properties.env, kustomization.yaml, and external-secret.yaml files.
  4. Update these files to match the properties that you want to externalize.

Configuring a root secret

To use external secrets, you must configure at least one secret store. This secret store requires its own access secret, named root secret.

You must add this root secret as a secure property to the settings that are specified in the Environment properties page for the pipeline that is being externalized. The root secret name must match the secretRef.key value that is specified in the SecretStore definition, for example, vault_secret_id.