IBM Cloud Docs
Client libraries

Client libraries

Client libraries are the tools that you use to develop your own applications to work with IBM® Cloudant® for IBM Cloud® databases.

The following client libraries are formally supported by IBM Cloudant: Java™, Node.js, Python, and Go.

A supported library is one where you can contact IBM Cloudant if you come across a specific, reproducible problem in the current version of the library.


The IBM Cloudant SDK for Java™ is the official IBM Cloudant library for Java™.

To install the IBM Cloudant SDK for the Java™ library, see Installation about installing the library by adding it as a dependency to your Maven or Gradle builds. You can also see details and examples of how to use the library in the guide.

Library for Java


The IBM Cloudant SDK for the Node.js library is the official IBM Cloudant library for Node.js.

Install the IBM Cloudant SDK for Node.js library by running the following command:

npm install @ibm-cloud/cloudant

Library for Node.js


The IBM Cloudant SDK for Python library is the official IBM Cloudant library for Python.

Install the IBM Cloudant SDK for Python library by running pip or easy_install as shown in the following examples:

pip install --upgrade "ibmcloudant>=0.0.27"


easy_install --upgrade "ibmcloudant>=0.0.27"

For more information, see the website.

Library for Python


The IBM Cloudant SDK for Go library is the official IBM Cloudant library for Go.

Install the IBM Cloudant SDK for Go library by running the following command:

go get -u

Library for Go

Useful tools

You can use the following tools with IBM Cloudant.

Supported tools

Supported tools are maintained and supported by IBM Cloudant.


A tool that you use from the command line to back up an IBM Cloudant or CouchDB database to a text file.

To install couchbackup, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g @cloudant/couchbackup

For more information, see couchbackup.

Unsupported tools

Unsupported tools are not maintained or supported by IBM Cloudant.


A tool that you use from the command line to transfer data.

For more information, see curl.


A tool that you use from the command line to parse JSON. IBM Cloudant uses the JSON data format.

Download the package to install jq.

For more information, see jq.


A tool that you use from the command line to show the differences between an IBM Cloudant and a CouchDB database.

To install couchdiff, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g couchdiff

For more information, see couchdiff.


A tool that you use from the command line, or programmatically, to import data into CouchDB efficiently.

To install couchimport, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g couchimport

For more information, see couchimport.


A tool that you use from the command line to migrate CouchDB design documents.

To install couchmigrate, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g couchmigrate

For more information, see couchmigrate.


A tool that you use from the command line to coordinate Apache CouchDB or IBM Cloudant replications.

To install couchreplicate, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g couchreplicate

For more information, see couchreplicate.


A tool that you use from the command line to see the CouchDB features used by a database.

To install couchxray, run the following command by using npm:

npm install -g couchxray

For more information, see couchxray.