IBM Cloud Docs
Active tasks

Active tasks

The /_active_tasks endpoint provides a list of the tasks that are running on the server, which is helpful for monitoring the performance of your system.

You can retrieve a list of active tasks, including compaction, replication, and indexing tasks. For more examples on using the /_active_tasks endpoint, see the Managing tasks guide.

Retrieving a list of active tasks

List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status, and process ID.
Roles permitted

You can get a list of active tasks by using the /_active_tasks URL. The result is a JSON array of the currently running tasks, with each task described with a single object.

See the example request to retrieve a list of active tasks by using HTTP commands:

GET /_active_tasks HTTP/1.1

See the example request to retrieve a list of active tasks by using the command line:

curl "https://$" \

The returned structure includes the following fields for each task:

Table 1. Fields in the returned structure
Name Description
database The database and shard on which the operation occurs.
pid Erlang Process ID
started_on Time when the task was started. The value is an integer that includes the UNIX™ time UTC.
total_changes Total number of documents to be processed by the task. The exact meaning depends on the type of the task.
type Operation Type
updated_on Time that the task status was updated. The field updates every few seconds. Returns the most recent update.

In the type field, the possible values include:

  • database_compaction
  • view_compaction
  • replication
  • indexer
  • search_indexer

The meaning of other fields in the JSON response depends on the type of the task.

See the example JSON response array that includes details of currently running tasks:

		"user": null,
		"updated_on": 1363274088,
		"type": "replication",
		"target": "https://repl:*****",
		"docs_read": 0,
		"doc_write_failures": 0,
		"doc_id": "tsm-admin__to__user-3dglstqg8aq0uunzimv4uiimy",
		"continuous": true,
		"checkpointed_source_seq": "403-g1AAAADfeJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQS0lKzi9KdUhJMjTRyyrNSS3QS87JL01JzCvRy0styQGqY0pkSLL___9_VmIymg5TXDqSHIBkUj1YUxyaJkNcmvJYgCRDA5AC6tuflZhGrPsgGg9ANAJtzMkCAPFSStc",
		"changes_pending": 134,
		"pid": "<0.1781.4101>",
		"node": "",
		"docs_written": 0,
		"missing_revisions_found": 0,
		"replication_id": "d0cdbfee50a80fd43e83a9f62ea650ad+continuous",
		"revisions_checked": 0,
		"source": "https://repl:*****",
		"source_seq": "537-g1AAAADfeJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQS0lKzi9KdUhJMjTUyyrNSS3QS87JL01JzCvRy0styQGqY0pkSLL___9_VmI9mg4jXDqSHIBkUj1WTTityWMBkgwNQAqob39WYhextkE0HoBoBNo4MQsAFuVLVQ",
		"started_on": 1363274083
		"user": "acceptly",
		"updated_on": 1363273779,
		"type": "indexer",
		"node": "",
		"pid": "<0.20723.4070>",
		"changes_done": 189,
		"database": "shards/00000000-3fffffff/acceptly/acceptly_my_chances_logs_live.1321035717",
		"design_document": "_design/MyChancesLogCohortReport",
		"started_on": 1363273094,
		"total_changes": 26389
		"user": "username",
		"updated_on": 1371118433,
		"type": "search_indexer",
		"total_changes": 5466,
		"node": "",
		"pid": "<0.29569.7037>",
		"changes_done": 4611,
		"database": "shards/40000000-7fffffff/username/database_name",
		"design_document": "_design/lucene",
		"index": "search1",
		"started_on": 1371118426
		"view": 1,
		"user": "acceptly",
		"updated_on": 1363273504,
		"type": "view_compaction",
		"total_changes": 26095,
		"node": "",
		"pid": "<0.21218.4070>",
		"changes_done": 20000,
		"database": "shards/80000000-bfffffff/acceptly/acceptly_my_chances_logs_live.1321035717",
		"design_document": "_design/MyChancesLogCohortReport",
		"phase": "view",
		"started_on": 1363273094
		"updated_on": 1363274040,
		"node": "",
		"pid": "<0.29256.4053>",
		"changes_done": 272195,
		"database": "shards/00000000-3fffffff/heroku/app3245179/id_f21a08b7005e_logs.1346083461",
		"started_on": 1363272496,
		"total_changes": 272195,
		"type": "database_compaction"

Specific response fields for compaction tasks

Table 2. Response fields for compaction tasks
Name Description
changes_done Number of documents compacted.
phase Reports the stage of compaction.
total_changes Number of documents in the database.

In the phase field, the value indicates the stage that was reached by compaction:

Document compaction is in progress.
View compaction is in progress.

Specific response fields for replication tasks

Table 3. Response fields for replication tasks
Name Description
changes_pending Number of documents that need to be changed in the target database, expressed as an integer.
continuous Boolean value that indicates whether the replication is continuous.
docs_read Number of documents that are read from the source database, expressed as an integer.
replication_id Unique identifier string of the replication that can be used to cancel the task.
revisions_checked Number of document revisions that were checked to verify whether they're already in the target database.
source An obfuscated URL string that indicates the database from which the task is replicating.
target An obfuscated URL string that indicates the database to which the task is replicating.
user User who started the replication, expressed as a string, or null if the replication was not initiated by a user.

Specific response fields for indexing tasks

Table 4. Response fields for indexing tasks
Name Description
changes_done Number of document revisions that are processed by this task. A document can have one or more revisions.
design_document The design document that includes the view or index function or functions.
total_changes The number of unindexed changes to process. This count includes deleted documents, although these documents are automatically skipped by the indexer.