
Event Streams

Leverage our fully managed Kafka service to help you build intelligent applications that react to events in real time.

  • IBM
  • Date of last update:11/15/2024
  • Docs
Event Streams


Choose which network and compute environment to run your Event Streams service on

Select a pricing plan

Displayed prices do not include tax. Monthly prices shown are for country or location: United States
  • Try our fully managed Apache Kafka offering free of charge.
FreeSelected Plan
The Lite plan offers access to a single partition in a multi-tenant Event Streams cluster. Stream landing is not supported on the Lite plan.

Lite plan services are deleted after 30 days of inactivity.
  • Pay as you go access to the multi-tenant Event Streams service.
  • Charged on a per partition-hour basis with an additional per GB charge for outbound data consumption.
EU Supported
  • $0.015 USD/Partition-hour
  • $0.0861 USD/Gigabyte Transmitted Outbound
  • Pay as you go access to an isolated single-tenant Event Streams service.
  • For info on Enterprise plan, see 'choosing your plan' in our documentation.
EU Supported
HIPAA Enabled
Financial Services Validated
  • $1.47 USD/Mirroring Capacity Unit-Hour
  • $7.37 USD/Base Capacity Unit-Hour
  • $7.37 USD/Additional Capacity Unit-Hour
  • $0.646 USD/Additional Storage Terabyte per hour
  • $0.0861 USD/Gigabyte Transmitted Outbound


Event Streams

  • Plan: Lite