Readme file
Steps for Deploying the Xcrypt HelmChart
Preinstallation labelling of nodes are done using a script.
The nodes needs to be labelled first.
1.0 Login to the Cluster using the oc command line
[docker@localhost CEPH_RH]$ oc login --token=sha256~_ROVLvOU0XbmN6WT8wsk83_FhD1rLeKpFPetIpr7fiI --server=
2.0 Create the Secrets
2.1 Create the Image Pull Secret
Contact Zettaset for username/password
oc create secret docker-registry zts-dockerhub-token --docker-server= --docker-username=zetauser --docker-password=Zetapassword -n zts-xcrypt
2.2 Create the Ceph Conf Secret
Sample zts.ceph.conf contents are:
[docker@localhost CEPH_RH]$ cat zts.ceph.conf
mon_host =,,
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring
oc create secret generic zts-ceph-conf --from-file=ceph.conf=zts.ceph.conf -n zts-xcrypt
2.3 Create the Ceph Keyring Secret
Sample ceph.client.admin.keyring are:
[docker@localhost CEPH_RH]$ cat ceph.client.admin.keyring
key = AQAIvLFkcmSQLBAAqweYcUiFsTHJZ5j4Rf3GRQ==
oc create secret generic zts-ceph-keyring --from-file=keyring=ceph.client.admin.keyring -n zts-xcrypt
Verify that the secrets have been created in the zts-xcrypt namespace
[docker@localhost CEPH_RH]$ oc get secret -n zts-xcrypt | grep zts-ceph
zts-ceph-conf Opaque 1 16h
zts-ceph-keyring Opaque 1 16h
[docker@localhost CEPH_RH]$ oc get secret -n zts-xcrypt | grep zts-docker
zts-dockerhub-token 1 2d11h
3.0 Validation
Run the Validate from the IBM Cloud to automatically install the Xcrypt Helm Chart.