Readme file
The vSRX Virtual Firewall provides you with a complete Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) solution, including core firewall, VPN, NAT, advanced Layer 4 through Layer 7 security services such as Application Security, intrusion detection and prevention (IPS), and Content Security features including Enhanced Web Filtering and Anti-Virus.
Before You Begin:
Enable CONSOLE access to VPC resources, in your IBM Cloud account:
Create VPC and define Network/Subnet (complete steps 1 & 2):
Required Resources:
IBM VPC Virtual Server Instance.
Intel x86 Architecture - Custom Image available from the list of Images
BYOL - Procure vSRX License, S-VSRX-2C/5C/9C/17C/24C/32C-S/A1/A2/A3/P1/P2/P3-1/3/5:
Contact Juniper License Reseller, Distributor and/or Sales/Account Team for License procurement:
Installing the Software:
Creating vSRX VSI (Virtual Server Instance):
While creating vSRX VPC VSI, in step 3 - Image Selection, select from available CUSTOM IMAGES and click Save.
In the same step 3, select the system PROFILE based on the procured license.
Create SSH Keys, by following step 4 - Complete SSH keys, storage, and networking details.
Click "Create virtual server instance" when you are ready to provision.
After the instance is created, you need to associate a floating IP address to the instance. Then, you can connect to your instance, externally using your Private SSH Key.
Production Configuration:
Upon successful completion of the vSRX VSI creation, one can login to the instance via UI or CLI.
Click on the elliptical dots shown in the vSRX VSI and select either VNC Console or Serial Console.
Follow the steps below to see the Basic/Default configuration:
login: root << enter username "root" with no password.
root@: ~ # cli << enter into JunOS CLI.
root> show version |no-more << vlaidate the version matches with the one you provisioned for the VSI.
root> show system license |no-more << validate the VCPU match with the system profile provisioned for the VSI.
root> request system license add terminal << Copy/paste procured License key from file into the VSI window, hit Enter and hit CTRL-D. Execute "show system license" to ensure the license is applied.
root> configure << enter into configuration mode.
Now setup hostname, password, and necessary interfaces to get vSRX ready for communication
Upgrading to a new Version:
Follow the steps listed in the section "Installing the Software" and create a new vSRX VSI.
Copy the configuration from existing VSI to the new VSI.
Deprecate/Delete the old VSI.
Uninstalling the Software:
Select the VSI to be unistalled/removed/deleted.
Click on Delete and type the word Delete and hit Confirm.