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Protecting data with envelope encryption

Protecting data with envelope encryption

Key Protect uses envelope encryption to assist in protecting your Key Protect data. Envelope encryption involves encrypting your data with a Data Encryption Key, then encrypting the Data Encryption Key with a root key. This topic describes the process of envelope encryption and how to use Key Protect to encrypt and decrypt your data.

When working with sensitive data, it is important to use advanced encryption techniques to prevent a data breach. If you have large amounts of confidential data, it is often helpful to use a Key Management System to assist in keeping your data secure. Key Protect uses the envelope encryption technique to keep your data resilient. Envelope encryption is the process of using encrypted keys, Data Encryption Keys and Root Keys, to protect your sensitive data.

Imagine that you plan to send a letter to a colleague. You want to discuss information that is highly sensitive, so you generate a secret code (Data Encryption Key) that is used to write (encrypt) the message in the letter. The letter is delivered to a mailbox (wrapped Data Encryption Key) that can only be opened by those with a copy of the mailbox key (Root key), including the colleague. Anyone who does not have an exact copy of the key will be unable to open the mailbox and see it's contents. When your colleague uses the key to unlock (unencrypt) the mailbox, they will need to know the secret code that the letter is written in to be able to understand the message. Everyone who is not aware of the secret code will conclude that the letter is a random mix of characters and will not be able to understand the letter's contents.

Data encryption keys (DEKs) are designed to encrypt your data and can be generated and managed by your service or an IBM Cloud service.

Envelope encryption offers several benefits for protecting your data:

  • Protection under a combination of multiple algorithms Envelope encryption uses the best benefits from symmetric and public key algorithms to keep your keys secure.
    1. Symmetric key algorithms work faster, are more scalable, and more secure than public key algorithms. Public key algorithms use complicated mathematics that increase computational overhead, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. Public key algorithms are also more susceptible to brute force attacks due to having a private key algorithm component that is easily recognizable by hackers. Symmetric key algorithms requires less computed power and are resistant to brute force attacks due to having a less recognizable structure.
    2. Public key algorithms allow for easier access control when granting access to keys at an individual level compared to symmetric key algorithms. Symmetric key algorithms have a key exchange problem, which is that access to a secret key can only be exchanged through a secure transfer. By using public key algorithms, encrypted DEKs (wDEKs) can be shared and unencrypted only by those with access to the encrypting root key, mitigating the key exchange problem of symmetric algorithms.
  • Easier key management You can encrypt multiple DEKs under a singular root key, which minimizes the amount of keys that you might need to manage in a key management service. You can also choose to save time on key maintenance by only rotating your root keys, instead of rotating and re-encrypting all of your DEKs. Note that in cases such as personnel turnover, process malfunctions, or the detection of a security issue, it is recommended to rotate all DEKs and root keys associated with the incident.
  • Data Key Protection Since your DEKs are wrapped by a root key, you do not have to worry about how to store the encrypted data key. Due to this, you can store the wDEK with alongside the associated encrypted data.

Key Protect uses the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm in Galois/Counter Mode (AES GCM) to wrap and unwrap DEKs. CRKs that are not imported are created with 256-bit key material. Imported CRKs can be have 128, 192, or 256-bit key material.

How envelope encryption works

Envelope encryption works by using a root key to wrap (encrypt) one or more data encryption keys (DEKs). The root key safeguards your wrapped (encrypted) DEKs with encryption algorithms, protecting them from unauthorized access or exposure.

Unwrapping a DEK reverses the envelope encryption process by using the associated root key, resulting in a decrypted and authenticated DEK. A wrapped DEK cannot be unwrapped without the associated root key, which adds an extra layer of security to your data.

Envelope encryption is treated briefly in the NIST Special Publication 800-57, Recommendation for Key Management. To learn more, see NIST SP 800-57 Pt. 1 Rev. 4..

Key types

The service supports two key types, root keys and standard keys, for the advanced encryption and management of data.

Root keys
Root keys are primary resources in Key Protect. They are symmetric key-wrapping keys used as roots of trust for wrapping (encrypting) and unwrapping (decrypting) other keys stored in a data service. Root keys contain key material that is used to wrap and unwrap DEKs. The key material of the root key can either be imported or generated by the Key Protect service.
With Key Protect, you can create, store, and manage the lifecycle of root keys to achieve full control of other DEKs stored in the cloud. Unlike a standard key, the plaintext of a root key can never leave the bounds of the Key Protect service.
Standard keys
Standard keys, which can be used as DEKs, can store encrypted data in Key Protect. Once your plaintext standard key is generated and protecting underlying data, destroy the plaintext and safely store the encrypted standard key.

Wrapping keys with envelope encryption

You can wrap one or more DEKs with advanced encryption algorithms by designating a root key in Key Protect that you can fully manage.

Complete the following steps to encrypt data via envelope encryption:

  1. Generate or provision a DEK from an IBM Cloud service, such as COS, to encrypt your sensitive data. The DEK will encrypt your sensitive data.
  2. Generate or import a root key that will be used to protect the DEK from step 1.
  3. Use the root key to encrypt, or wrap the DEK. To provide maximum encryption security, you can specify additional authenticated data (AAD) during your wrap request. Note that the same authentication data will be required when unwrapping the DEK.
  4. The encrypted data is then stored as metadata in the Key Protect service. Store and maintain the base64 encoded output from the wrapped DEK in a secure location, such as an app or service.

You can generate a new DEK by omitting the plaintext property in your wrap request. The newly created DEK will automatically be wrapped as part of the request.

Unwrapping keys

Unwrapping a data encryption key (DEK) decrypts and authenticates the data protected within the key.

If your business application needs to access the contents of your wrapped DEKs, you can use the Key Protect API to send an unwrap request to the service.

Complete the following steps to encrypt data via envelope encryption:

  1. Retrieve the base64 encoded ciphertext of the wrapped DEK.
  2. Retrieve the key ID of the root key that is associated with the DEK.
  3. Make an unwrap request to Key Protect. Note that if you specified additional authenticated data (AAD) in a previous wrap request, you must supply it in your unwrap request.
  4. Use the returned base64 encoded plaintext to decrypt the data protected under the DEK.

Integrating with IBM Cloud Services

IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® integrates with a number of IBM Cloud services to enable encryption with customer-managed keys for those services.

Associating a resource in your cloud data service with a root key in Key Protect allows your data to be protected at rest while having management control of the root key.

For more information on the services that offer integration with Key Protect, see Integrating Services.